
Showing 1-25 of 39
Date Title Type Full Text Scopus WOS Altmetric
2024-01 Representing the poetic styles of Hamlet in equivalent Chinese: Perng Ching-Hsi’s literary translation of Shakespeare article 說明頁(32)
2024-01 On the English Translation of the Chinese Unit Terms in Yu Kwang-chung’s Poetry article 說明頁(16)
2023-10 Fidelity to the Deep Structure of Literature: Yu Kwang-chung’s Translation of Emily Dickinson article 說明頁(88)
2023-07 Emily Dickinson (1830-1886): Une abeille s’invitant à l’éternité article pdf(38)
2023-07 漆漆汪洋 article pdf(77)
2022-11 Representing the True Colors of Bai Xian-yong in the English Language: “A Touch of Green” Recounted article 說明頁(126)
2021-12 Literary Translation and the Subjectivity of the Translator: An Introduction article pdf(177)
2021-11 Literary Translation and the Subjectivity of the Translator: An Introduction article pdf(136)
2021-09 Rhyme and Reason: Rethinking Gu Zhengkun’s Practice of Translating Shakespeare’s Sonnets article pdf(182)
2021-07 Xu Yuanchong as a Touchstone for Ezra Pound`s Translation of Tang Poetry article pdf(202)
2020-12 Au Pied du Mont des Lettres: Reading Yu Kwang-chung the Translator (2019) by Shan Te-Hsing (Book Review) article pdf(242)
2020-12 當孽子遇上逆女:白先勇與杜修蘭同性戀書寫及其詮釋析探 article pdf(233)
2020-12 Au Pied du Mont des Lettres: Reading Yu Kwang-chung the Translator (2019) by Te-Hsin Shan (Book Review) article pdf(188)
2020-12 Interpellation on the Moors: The Literary Calling of the Brontës article 說明頁(253)
2020-09 A Welcoming Speech by Professor Ming-Cheng Kuo, President of NCCU, to the Czech Senate Delegation Led by President Miloš Vystrčil article pdf(174)
2020-09 Discours de Bienvenue de Professeur Ming-Cheng Kuo, Président de la NCCU, à la Délégation du Sénat Tchèque Présidé par Miloš Vystrčil (Chinese-French Translation) article 說明頁(314)
2020-07 Emily Dickinson: A Bee Gatecrashing Eternity (Chinese-English Translation of Yu Kwang-chung`s Essay, Condensed Version) article pdf(174)
2020-07 Emily Dickinson: A Bee Gatecrashing Eternity (Chinese-English Translation of Yu Kwang-chung`s Essay) article 說明頁(233)
2019-12 剪燭旖色佳: 閱讀李有成詩集《迷路蝴蝶》 article pdf(175)
2019-09 Kristevan Herethics in Emily Brontë’s Wuthering Heights article 說明頁(579)
2019-06 Erotica, Thou Art Translated: Reading Erotic Literature in Adaptation and Translation article pdf(211)
2019-02 擺渡神洲謫仙:許淵冲與胡品清 英譯李白〈菩薩蠻〉之比較與析探 article 說明頁(376)
2019-01 Between Loss and Gain: Translating the Taiwanese Praise Ballads on the Pescadores into English article pdf(201)
2018-12 剪燭旖色佳:閱讀李有成詩集《迷路蝴蝶》 article 說明頁(807)
2018-03 Dai Wang-Shu’s Chinese translation of Paul Verlaine revisited: on the pursuit of optimal fidelity in literary rendition article 說明頁(607)pdf(654)