
Showing 26-49 of 49
Date Title Type Full Text Scopus WOS Altmetric
2018 初探關係創傷經驗諮商之樣貌與影響:從心理師的觀點 article pdf(224)
2023-04 Therapists’ practical implementation and preparation of online counseling in the post‑pandemic era article 說明頁(94)
2023-09 The prospective association between emotional reactivity and adolescent suicidal ideation article 說明頁(43)
2020-03 「國中輔導教師輔導倫理困境量表」編製之研究 article pdf(198)
2018-12 「輔導教師與心理師的跨專業合作量表」之編製研究:輔導教師的觀點 article 說明頁(432)
2009 Roles of State and Trait Anxiety in Physical\r\nActivity Participation for Adults with\r\nAnxiety Disorders article pdf(488)
2018-12 在家靠父母,出外靠朋友?不同社經地位青少年的父母支持、同儕支持與心理健康之關係 article pdf(190)
2020-01 與心理師跨專業合作在輔導教師角色壓力與工作滿意度的中介角色 article pdf(238)
2017 Process of Applying Relational Approach Psychotherapy on a Client with Social Anxiety Disorder article pdf(337)
2023-02 Parent and adolescent emotional variability and adolescent psychopathology article 說明頁(124)
2008-07 Parental beliefs about young children¹s socialization across U.S. ethnic groups: Coexistence of independence and interdependence article pdf(989)
2019-03 國中輔導教師與心理師的獨立分工、專業認可對工作壓力之關係:專業衝突的中介角色 article pdf(297)
2020-06 青少年憂鬱的代間傳遞:個人、家庭與學校保護性因子之相關研究 article pdf(257)
2021-05 國中導師對於輔導工作的觀點與挑戰:從專業典範差異看導師與輔導老師之跨領域合作 article pdf(159)
2023-03 Emotional Reactivity to Daily Family Conflicts: Testing the Within-Person Sensitization article 說明頁(117)
2017 經濟弱勢青少年的教師支持、同儕支持、家 庭凝聚力與心理資本之關係:台灣貧窮兒少資料庫分析 article pdf(378)
2017-12 迂迴的置身處境:東南亞新住民諮商的多元文化省思與挑戰 article 說明頁(417)
2023-05 Daily association between parent-adolescent relationship and life satisfaction: The moderating role of emotion dysregulation article 說明頁(98)
2022-08 Daily Association between COVID-19 cases and parents’ emotions: the role of marital relationship quality article 說明頁(150)
2022-12 A six-year longitudinal study of parenting and depressive symptoms among Taiwanese adolescents article 說明頁(141)
2016-11 A Qualitative Study of Understanding Clients` Relational Trauma article pdf(410)
2018 心理師與學校輔導合作經驗初探:北部地區心理師之觀點 article pdf(213)
2018 初探關係創傷經驗諮商之樣貌與影響:從心理師的觀點 article pdf(224)
2009-05 Adolescent Interpersonal Relationship Quantity and Quality, Belongingness and Loneliness article pdf(698)