All Of Publications(Limit:Department of Chinese Literature、NSC Projects )

Showing 126-150 of 315
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2011 劉辰翁評說韋柳詩及其所據之文化思想 YA-WEN HOU report web page(515)pdf(787)
2011 眾水歸海:《四庫全書總目》「集部」文學思想的凝結歷程 SHOU-CHENG TSENG report pdf(431)
2011 現代漢語同義近義詞的義素分析──理論和方法的研究;The Research of Semantic Field on Modern Chinese CHIA-NING CHU report pdf(1364)
2011 民國時期罕傳經學論著之整理與研究:以羅倬漢、陳延傑與蘇維嶽三家之著作為中心 HSING-CHIEN CHE report pdf(611)
2011 世變與地景—宋╱明遺民西湖文學╱圖像的敘事╱抒情系譜 WEN-HUEI CHENG report pdf(597)
2011 當代兩岸戲曲交流的回顧與研析(1949-2009)(第2 年) HSIN-HSIN TSAI report pdf(424)
2011 古典美學範疇「物感說」的理論架構及其發展圖式(Ⅲ);Theory Construction and History Development of Wu-Gau Hypothesis in Classical Aesthetics Category Ⅲ 黃偉倫 report pdf(442)
2011 Difference and Variation:The Types and Symbols of Goddess in Pre-Chin and Han Dynasty LI-FENG KAO report pdf(857)
2009 從「道統」到「皇統」—明代《四書大全》撰作考察;From the Daotong to the Huangtong—The Exploration of the Composition of the Sishu Daguan in the Ming Dynasty( I ) FENG-YUAN CHEN report pdf(364)
2009 Dualism---The Structure and Symbols of Dual Gods Myth in Han Dynasty(I) LI-FENG KAO report pdf(811)
2009 聲韻學在詩歌教學上的功能研究;The Study of Function of Phonology in Poetry Teaching CHIA-NING CHU report pdf(921)
2009 空間權力與意識形態──晚明文學性版畫性別疆界的文化書寫 WEN-HUEI CHENG report pdf(939)
2011 從古典到現代:近現代《楚辭》研究;From the Tradition to the Modern: the Research on Chu-Ci in the Modern Times TUNG-LIANG LIAO report pdf(218)web page(419)web page(407)
2011 文學藝術與物質文化-怪怪奇奇之物─《聊齋誌異》、《閱微草堂筆記》及其續衍之「游目」與「騁懷」 KUEI-HUI KAO report pdf(885)
2009 Using Poetry and Interpreting Poetry ---Two Types of Interpretation Tradition of Shih Chin in Han Dynasty(II) HSING-CHIEN CHE report pdf(557)
2010-10 A Study on Zhu Zhen's Theories in Xiang-Shu and Tu-Shu---The Study of I-Ching RUI- HONG CHEN report pdf(494)
2009 古典美學範疇「物感說」的理論架構及其歷史發展圖式;Theory Construction and History Development of Wu-Gan Hypothesis in Classical Aesthetics Category 黃偉倫 report pdf(424)
2009 京劇表現形式的跨界歷程(I)---以20世紀初期(1930年前)戲曲改良時期為對象;The Variation about Beijing Opera in 20th Beginning YUN-SHU HOU report pdf(1255)
2009 宋元明時期「孟浩然詩」評點本析論 YA-WEN HOU report pdf(1112)
2009 詩歌與瘋顛--探索憂鬱症女詩人的語言邊界;Verse with Crazy Dian---Investigate the Hypochondria Female Poet`s Language Boundary 李癸雲 report pdf(1495)
2009 中國思想史「心」專題思想比較研究;The Comparative Study of `Xin` in Chinese Philosophy YU-MIN SHIAU report pdf(563)
2009 甲骨卜辭中占辭及驗辭整理研究;The Study of Oracle Bone Script HUNG-MING LIN report pdf(953)
2009 志怪與天啟---「聊齋」與「太平天國」敘事群的「近現代性」考察;Mystory and Apocalypse ---Premodernity / Modernity of Stories of `Liao Zhai` and ` Tai Ping Tian Guo` KUEI-HUI KAO report pdf(2831)
2009 《四庫全書總目》「別集類」的文學思想---歷史敘述、敘解模式及其自我重構;Si Ku Quan Shu Zong Muthoughts of Literature of a Collection of So-And-So`s Articles SHOU-CHENG TSENG report pdf(278)
2009 失落與重建---從新出土文獻論先秦儒家思想研究的相關課題(Ⅱ) CHI-PING LIN report pdf(938)