All Of Publications(Limit:NSC Projects )

Showing 6226-6250 of 6281
日期 題名 Author Type Full Text(downloads)
111 [統計學系] 國科會研究計畫++++++ 麗霞, 陳 report
2022-10 Important Contents and Development of the Mutual Interpretation between Hongfan and Yi-Diagrams and Numbers 陳睿宏 report 說明頁(86)
2020-10 A Study on Zhu Sheng’S Yixue in Ming Dynasty 陳睿宏 report 說明頁(110)
2022-10 On the Buddhist Logical Interpretations of the First Two Verses in Dignaga`S Alambanapariksa-Vrtti: from Dharmapala to the East Asian Buddhist Commentators 胡志強 report 說明頁(110)
2019-08 On the Basis of Archival Appraisal Theory to Develop Risk Assessment and Management Mode of Electronic Records 林巧敏 report 說明頁(111)
2020-10 檔案融入高中歷史教學之教師意見調查與教案設計過程分析 林巧敏 report 說明頁(96)
2022-11 Informativeness in child language 黃瓊之 report 說明頁(129)
2019-10 The Effects of Profit Sharing and Taxes on Economic Growth, Factor Income Differentials, and Stock Price in a R&D-Driven and Capital-Deepening Growth Model 蕭明福 report 說明頁(98)
2021-08 Tax Structure and Economic Growth in the Endogenous Growth Model with R&D and Capital Accumulation 蕭明福 report 說明頁(83)
2023-01 Classroom Management from the Perspectives of Intersectional Pedagogy: Teachers’ Multicultural Literacy as an Intermediary 李淑菁 report 說明頁(95)
2021-08 Revisiting Victimized Journalists during the Period of Martial Rules in Taiwan, 1949-1991: an Archival Research 陳百齡 report 說明頁(92)
2020-06 Exploring Online News by Applying Big Data Approach: Content, Hot Topics and Resonance 陳百齡 report 說明頁(102)
2023-03 Aligning Governance of Science and Technology with Public Policy Management and Decision Making 蕭乃沂 report 說明頁(83)
2016-05 Policy Argument and Risk Communication on Nuclear Energy Policy - an Application of Internet Public Opinion Analysis 蕭乃沂黃東益 report 說明頁(55)
2022-12 經濟整合策略之發展與趨勢:東、西方模式的實證比較對話 洪美蘭 report 說明頁(72)
2023-04 Tone Analysis of Chinese Interlanguage by European Language Learners: Influence of Learners` Native Intonation, Stress and Word Order on the Tones of L2 Chinese Speech 葉相林、曾金金、劉德馨 report 說明頁(79)
2023-05 性別、科幻小說及社會正義之實踐:探討羅莎.孟德羅的《顫慄》及布魯娜.哈斯基系列小說 楊瓊瑩 report 說明頁(90)
2023-08 從韓語程度副詞與被修飾語的共構關係探討程度副詞的文法機能及其分類 郭秋雯 report 說明頁(81)
2023-07 你是不是機器人?社會情緒學習能力發展之研究 余民寧 report 說明頁(88)
2023-04 清初經史學家朱彝尊的文學編選新論:《明詩綜》選文詮次的褒貶筆法與明詩史建構 侯雅文 report 說明頁(58)
2023-05 大曆以後書勿讀?──明代詩學中的「中晚唐詩批評」議題(2/3) 陳英傑 report 說明頁(45)
2022-11 空間計畫中戶外空間地景規劃之法制建構—以德國及美國法制為觀察對象 傅玲靜 report 說明頁(49)
2023-10 氣候變遷計畫法制及其司法審查之研究—我國與德國法制之觀察與比較 傅玲靜 report 說明頁(47)
2022-07 協同視導實踐之個案研究 —以台北市教學輔導教師之個案學校到跨校協作為例 郭昭佑 report 說明頁(34)
2017-10 校長評鑑之後設評鑑研究Ⅱ—以新北市校長評鑑為例 郭昭佑 report 說明頁(71)