
Showing 151-175 of 1160
日期 題名 作者 類型 全文(次)
2006.01 The Impact of Media and Culture on the Consumption Values of Women in China and Taiwan 別蓮蒂、Liao, Tsai-Ju 、 Bei, Lien-Ti book/chapter 說明頁(1454)
2013.06 The Netherlands: Social economic implications from an intellectual capital perspective Lin, Carol Yeh-Yun 、 Chen, Jeffrey、林月雲 book/chapter 說明頁(1445)
2011.07 The Role of Virtual Integration, Commitment, and Knowledge-Sharing in Improving International Supplier Responsiveness 簡睿哲Jean, Ruey-Jer book/chapter 說明頁(1754)
2012.04 Do born-global SMEs reap more benefits from ICT use than other internationalising small firms? 簡睿哲Jean, Ruey-Jer book/chapter 說明頁(1689)
2009 UbiSrvInt- A Context-Aware Fault-Tolerant Approach for WP2P Service Provision Yuan, Soe-Tsyr 、 Chen, Fang-Yu、苑守慈 book/chapter pdf(1275)
2011.04 Customer-Driven Value Co-creation in Service Networks Kwan, Stephen K. Yuan, Soe-Tsyr苑守慈 book/chapter pdf(1433)
2013 National intellectual capital and the financial crisis in Greece, Italy, portugal, and spain Lin, Carol Yeh-Yun 、 Edvinsson, Leif 、 Chen, Jeffrey 、 Beding, Tord、林月雲 book/chapter pdf(1403)
2014 National intellectual capital and the financial crisis in Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Thailand Lin, Carol Yeh-Yun 、 Edvinsson, Leif 、 Chen, Jeffrey 、 Beding, Tord、林月雲 book/chapter pdf(1283)
2014 National intellectual capital and the financial crisis in Israel, Jordan, South Africa, and Turkey. Lin, Carol Yeh-Yun 、 Edvinsson, Leif 、 Chen, Jeffrey 、 Beding, Tord、林月雲 book/chapter pdf(1384)
2014 National intellectual capital and the financial crisis in Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania, and Poland Lin, Carol Yeh-Yun 、 Edvinsson, Leif 、 Chen, Jeffrey 、 Beding, Tord、林月雲 book/chapter pdf(1181)
2014 National intellectual capital and the financial crisis in Austria, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Switzerland Lin, Carol Yeh-Yun 、 Edvinsson, Leif 、 Chen, Jeffrey 、 Beding, Tord、林月雲 book/chapter pdf(1299)
2014 National intellectual capital and the financial crisis in France, Germany, Ireland, and the United Kingdom Lin, Carol Yeh-Yun 、 Edvinsson, Leif 、 Chen, Jeffrey 、 Beding, Tord、林月雲 book/chapter pdf(1145)
2014 National intellectual capital and the financial crisis in Australia, Canada, Japan, New Zealand, and the United States Lin, Carol Yeh-Yun 、 Edvinsson, Leif 、 Chen, Jeffrey 、 Beding, Tord、林月雲 book/chapter pdf(1286)
2014 National intellectual capital and the financial crisis in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, and Venezuela Lin, Carol Yeh-Yun 、 Edvinsson, Leif 、 Chen, Jeffrey 、 Beding, Tord、林月雲 book/chapter pdf(1182)
2014 National intellectual capital and the financial crisis in Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden Lin, Carol Yeh-Yun 、 Edvinsson, Leif 、 Chen, Jeffrey 、 Beding, Tord、林月雲 book/chapter pdf(1401)
2013 National Intellectual Capital and the Financial Crisis in China, Hong Kong, Singapore, and Taiwan Lin, Carol Yeh-Yun、Edvinsson, Leif、Chen, Jeffrey、Beding, Tord、林月雲 book/chapter pdf(1382)說明頁(1694)
2013 National Intellectual Capital and the Financial Crisis in Brazil, Russia, India, China, Korea, and South Africa Lin, Carol Yeh-Yun 、 Edvinsson, Leif 、 Chen, Jeffrey 、 Beding, Tord、林月雲 book/chapter pdf(1243)
2012 More Economic Approach to IPR and Competition Law – A Cross Jurisdiction Study on Patent Pools Liu, Kung-Chung、劉孔中 book/chapter 說明頁(1439)
2013.05 新版國際應收帳款承購統一規則 蔡孟佳 book/chapter 說明頁(1370)
2002-07 Shareholder Heterogeneity: Further Evidence 李怡宗 book/chapter 說明頁(1464)
2004.12 知識管理與資訊科技 張景堯劉文卿、張孟元、張景堯 book/chapter 說明頁(1236)
1993 MIS常用語手冊 周宣光 book/chapter 說明頁(1246)
2013.1 思考的脈絡 : 掌握問題全貌,創新更成功 蕭瑞麟 book/chapter 說明頁(976)
2014.02 中國公司治理入門 戚務君 book/chapter 說明頁(1319)
2012 Electronic Commerce: A Managerial Perspective, 7/E 梁定澎Efraim Turban、David King、Jae Lee、Liang, Ting-Peng、Deborrah Turban book/chapter 說明頁(1290)