All Of Publications(Limit:College of Foreign Languages and Literature、Books & Chapters in Books、2010-2019)

Showing 226-250 of 420
日期 題名 Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2016-12 L1 Acquisition of Discourse and Pragmatics 黃瓊之 book/chapter 說明頁(578)
2012-10 從平行到對角 - 以字幕翻譯為主題的任務型德漢翻譯課程設計 徐安妮 book/chapter 說明頁(354)
2011-10 Chinese-English Translation of “Idle Retrospections” by Du Mu and “Thoughts Aroused by the Full Moon” by Bai Chu-Yi 吳敏華 book/chapter 說明頁(632)
2012-10 Controversy, Censorship and Translation: The Chinese Reception of D. H. Lawrence``s Lady Chatterley``s Lover 陳音頤 book/chapter 說明頁(627)
2016-11 推薦文;阿拉伯的勞倫斯或西方勞倫斯? 鄭慧慈 book/chapter 說明頁(382)
2014-07 Mass Literature as a Problem of Contemporary Russian Education 莉托斯卡 book/chapter 說明頁(311)
2017-01 Production – Behavioral Studies, Speech Errors, Slips of the Tongue, Malapropisms 萬依萍 book/chapter 說明頁(527)
2014-04 Die deutschen Modalpartikeln denn, doch, ja und ihre Äquivalente im chinesischen 徐安妮Hsu, An-Nie book/chapter 說明頁(592)
2017-09 Этнические языки как ценности и антиценности: белорусский вариант 亞榴申娜 book/chapter pdf(445)
2012-07 法の〈外〉へ/から――日本中世禅林詩学における〈幼児性(インファンティア)〉(infanzia)への(或いは、としての)眼差し―― 山藤夏郎 book/chapter 說明頁(429)
2018-01 Blind Peer Review at an English Language Teaching Journal in Taiwan: Glocalized Practices within the Globalization of Higher Education 謝思蕾Sheridan, Cheryl book/chapter pdf(576)
2017 Intonational phrasing in Zhuolan Raoping 蕭宇超Hsiao, Yuchau book/chapter 說明頁(583)
2017-10 Humour in the Arts: New Perspectives, co-edit with Vivienne Westbrook (under contract with Routledge) 趙順良、Chao, Shun-liang book/chapter 說明頁(432)
2017-10 解讀法國文學名著 阮若缺 book/chapter 說明頁(506)
2018 The Affordance of Facebook on L2 Writing and Translingual Writing. 劉怡君 book/chapter 說明頁(735)
2016-10 The Fourth Wave of Emigration” vs. “Global Russians”: Self-naming as Actual Problem of Forming Identity 莉托斯卡、Литовская, М. А.、Литовская, Е. В. book/chapter 說明頁(605)
2016-01 Auge und Blick in Texten Herta Müllers 蔡莫妮 book/chapter 說明頁(650)
2017-08 線上課程「跨文化溝通入門」: 從設計到實施 陳彩虹 book/chapter 說明頁(581)
2017-08 在別人身上看見自己: 大學英文課程中文化短片之運用 陳彩虹 book/chapter 說明頁(726)
2018 Metaphor in Chinese Ahrens, Kathleen鍾曉芳Chung, Siaw-Fong book/chapter 說明頁(636)
2014 The allure of cities 林月雲Lin, Carol Yeh Yun、Liu, Feng-chuan book/chapter 說明頁(678)
2014-05 The pragmatic function of self/other reference in Mandarin child language 黃瓊之Huang, Chiung-chih book/chapter 說明頁(463)
2018-07 A Tomato Is Also a Child`s Balloon`: Surrealist Humour as a Moral Attitude 趙順良、Chao, Shun-liang book/chapter 說明頁(532)
2018-07 Reading Humorously: Towards New Perspectives, Humour in the Arts: New Perspectives, ed. Vivienne Westbrook and Shun-liang Chao (forthcoming) Westbrook, Vivienne、趙順良、Chao, Shun-liang book/chapter 說明頁(500)
2013-01 天天學外語 7天開口說西班牙語 李文康、黃國祥 book/chapter 說明頁(507)