All Of Publications(Limit:Books & Chapters in Books、2010-2019)

Showing 276-300 of 3605
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2013.03 Introduction: Elites and Governance in Chin Zang, Xiaowei 、CHIEN-WEN KOUCHIEN-WEN KOU book/chapter web page(1729)
2011.07 Elite Recruitment and the Duality of the Chinese Party-state: The Mobility of Western-educated Returnee Elites in China, 1978-2008. CHIEN-WEN KOUCHIEN-WEN KOU book/chapter web page(1694)
2013 全球化下台灣次區域發展戰略 呂曜志、CHEN-YUAN TUNG book/chapter web page(1483)
2013.06 The Netherlands: Social economic implications from an intellectual capital perspective YEH-YUN LIN、 Chen, Jeffrey、YEH-YUN LIN book/chapter web page(1427)
2011.07 The Role of Virtual Integration, Commitment, and Knowledge-Sharing in Improving International Supplier Responsiveness RUEY-JER `BRYAN` JEANRUEY-JER `BRYAN` JEAN book/chapter web page(1734)
2012.04 Do born-global SMEs reap more benefits from ICT use than other internationalising small firms? RUEY-JER `BRYAN` JEANRUEY-JER `BRYAN` JEAN book/chapter web page(1668)
2011.04 Customer-Driven Value Co-creation in Service Networks SOE-TSYR YUANSOE-TSYR YUANSOE-TSYR YUAN book/chapter pdf(1421)
2010.08 Taiwan’s Participation in Asia Pacific Regional Process: Searching for an Agenda of Cross-Strait Consultations CHYUNG LY LEECHYUNG LY LEE book/chapter pdf(1108)
2010.12 日本與東亞區域秩序之建構 CHYUNG LY LEECHYUNG LY LEE book/chapter web page(1140)
2012.12 東南亞區域整合之基調、特色與挑戰 CHYUNG LY LEECHYUNG LY LEE book/chapter web page(1277)pdf(879)
2012.12 東協對南海情勢的回應與影響 CHYUNG LY LEECHYUNG LY LEE book/chapter web page(1030)
2013 圖解你應該知道的十二年國教 CHUING CHOU book/chapter web page(1117)
2013 橘子和香蕉真的是不能比:反對獨尊 SSCI 連署意見分析報告 CHUING CHOU、邱韻如 book/chapter pdf(1101)
2013 後現代主義教育領導:回顧與展望 MENG-CHUN CHIN、黃貞裕 book/chapter web page(1313)
2013.09 Effects of surface charge and particle size of cell-penetrating peptide/nanoparticle complexes on cellular internalization. MING-HUAN CHANMING-HUAN CHANMING-HUAN CHAN、 Lo, Shih-Yen 、 Huang, Yue-Wern 、 Lee, Han-Jung、MING-HUAN CHAN book/chapter pdf(1357)
2011 Parallel Magnetic Resonance Imaging Acquisition and Reconstruction: Application to Functional and Spectroscopic Imaging in Human Brain SHANG-YUEH TSAISHANG-YUEH TSAISHANG-YUEH TSAI book/chapter pdf(1451)
2010.01 Crisis Communication Research in Public Relations Journals: Tracking Research Trends over Thirty Years An, Seonkyoung 、I-HUEI CHENG book/chapter web page(1588)
2013 National intellectual capital and the financial crisis in Greece, Italy, portugal, and spain YEH-YUN LIN、 Edvinsson, Leif 、 Chen, Jeffrey 、 Beding, Tord、YEH-YUN LIN book/chapter pdf(1389)
2014 National intellectual capital and the financial crisis in Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Thailand YEH-YUN LIN、 Edvinsson, Leif 、 Chen, Jeffrey 、 Beding, Tord、YEH-YUN LIN book/chapter pdf(1261)
2014 National intellectual capital and the financial crisis in Israel, Jordan, South Africa, and Turkey. YEH-YUN LIN、 Edvinsson, Leif 、 Chen, Jeffrey 、 Beding, Tord、YEH-YUN LIN book/chapter pdf(1376)
2014 National intellectual capital and the financial crisis in Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania, and Poland YEH-YUN LIN、 Edvinsson, Leif 、 Chen, Jeffrey 、 Beding, Tord、YEH-YUN LIN book/chapter pdf(1167)
2014 National intellectual capital and the financial crisis in Austria, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Switzerland YEH-YUN LIN、 Edvinsson, Leif 、 Chen, Jeffrey 、 Beding, Tord、YEH-YUN LIN book/chapter pdf(1285)
2014 National intellectual capital and the financial crisis in France, Germany, Ireland, and the United Kingdom YEH-YUN LIN、 Edvinsson, Leif 、 Chen, Jeffrey 、 Beding, Tord、YEH-YUN LIN book/chapter pdf(1128)
2014 National intellectual capital and the financial crisis in Australia, Canada, Japan, New Zealand, and the United States YEH-YUN LIN、 Edvinsson, Leif 、 Chen, Jeffrey 、 Beding, Tord、YEH-YUN LIN book/chapter pdf(1278)
2014 National intellectual capital and the financial crisis in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, and Venezuela YEH-YUN LIN、 Edvinsson, Leif 、 Chen, Jeffrey 、 Beding, Tord、YEH-YUN LIN book/chapter pdf(1166)