All Of Publications(Limit:College of Commerce、Proceedings、2020-2029)

Showing 101-125 of 302
日期 題名 Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2021-12 吹響社會創新生態系統的旋律:社企流的轉型領導 羅婷萱 conference 說明頁(78)
2020-05 社企製造所:社會企業創新與孵化器支援 羅婷萱 conference 說明頁(142)
2020-10 從策略觀點探討育成中心服務項目價值對創業績效之影響—以社企流iLab育成計畫為例 羅婷萱 conference 說明頁(79)
2022-06 Boosting method for length-biased and interval-censored survival data subject to high-dimensional error-prone covariates 陳立榜、Chen, Li-Pang、Qiu, Bangxu conference 說明頁(260)
2022-06 Can Insider Board and Board Professionalism Improve Innovation Investment? 翁嘉祥、Weng, Chia-Hsiang、Hsueh, Hsien Ethan、Chen, Yenn-Ru conference 說明頁(169)
2022-08 The Impact of Knowledge Base and Technology Relatedness on M&A Innovation Performance: Evidence from Taiwan Electronics Industry 黃政仁、Huang, Cheng-Jen、Chen, Guo-Wei conference pdf(162)
2022-07 Deterrent disclosure: An other evidence from late request to patent examination 黃天偉、Hwang, Tien-Wei conference 說明頁(111)
2022-02 The effect of tax deferral election on competition for the employee 黃天偉、Hwang, Tien-Wei conference pdf(107)
2022-07 Can We Apply Traditional Forecasting Models to Predicting Bitcoin? 馬博淵、Bobea, Matthew conference 說明頁(104)
2022-07 Exploring the Opportunities of Bricolage for Martech Scale-Ups from Resource-Constrained Perspective 周致遠、Chou, Chih-Yuan、Tan, Yu Xi conference 說明頁(127)
2022-07 Social Media and Interactive Affection on Performance: A Perspective from Transparency 周致遠、Chou, Chih-Yuan、Huang, Jun conference 說明頁(106)
2022-06 Network-based discriminant analysis for multiclassification 陳立榜、Chen, Li-Pang conference 說明頁(234)
2022-08 AI and IoT: A Meta-analysis of Consumers' Adoption of Emerging Technologies 朴星俊、 玎公明、Park, Sungjun Steven、 Dinh, Cong-Minh、 Mai Pham、 Chen, Yen-Yu、 Liao, Ching-Wei conference pdf(0)
2022-08 Consumers’ Interactions with Virtual Conversational Agents: The Mediating Role of Perceived Humanlikeness 朴星俊、 玎公明、Park, Sungjun Steven、 Dinh, Cong-Minh conference pdf(0)
2022-07 Emerging financial technology in Taiwan: An integrated perspective of innovation system and hub orchestration 柯玉佳、Ko, Yu-Chia、Wang, Jian-Hang conference 說明頁(99)
2022-06 The role of network orchestrator in technological innovation system: The case of Taiwan’s financial technology 柯玉佳、Ko, Yu-Chia conference 說明頁(131)
2021-08 剖析企業社會責任、公司治理與創新之因果 柯玉佳 conference 說明頁(157)
2022-01 總體經驗對家戶房市偏好影響的驗證 陳明吉、楊茜文 conference 說明頁(109)
2020-10 ECB針對新冠疫情之因應措施及法律挑戰 洪德欽 conference 說明頁(106)
2021-11 中歐全面投資協定的意涵與挑戰 洪德欽 conference
2021-11 歐洲中央銀行的發展與挑戰 洪德欽 conference
2022-05 歐盟在WHO疫苗外交之研究 洪德欽 conference 說明頁(130)
2022-03 歐盟在俄烏衝突針對俄羅斯採取的制裁措施 洪德欽 conference 說明頁(201)
2021-09 歐盟有關人工智慧的倫理指引與法律規範 洪德欽 conference 說明頁(130)
2021-12 歐盟和德國數位政策與競爭法─兼論對台灣的啟示 洪德欽 conference 說明頁(129)