All Of Publications(Limit:College of Education、Proceedings、2010-2019)

Showing 76-100 of 135
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2017.12 師資培育的第二條軌道:臺灣實驗教育師資需求及其培育制度芻議 TUNG-LIAO CHENG、Cheng, Tung-Liao、陳嫺霓 conference web page(231)
2016-01 我國偏鄉教育政策前瞻分析與建議 TUNG-LIAO CHENG、Cheng, Tung-Liao conference pdf(154)
2018.12 混齡教學自主學習與社會利他行為之研究 TUNG-LIAO CHENG、Cheng, Tung-Liao、徐永康、林忠蔚、黃淑芬 conference web page(255)
2016-11 A model of mastery experience in creativity game-based learning among pupils CHIN-SHAN LIN、CHIN-SHAN LIN conference web page(218)
2017-06 Employing game-based learning to improve pupils` creativity CHIN-SHAN LIN、CHIN-SHAN LIN、YU-CHU YEHYU-CHU YEH conference web page(461)
2018-01 Academics’ community engagement, teaching profession and satisfaction from Taiwan APIKS survey JUNG-CHENG CHEN、JUNG-CHENG CHEN conference web page(280)
2018-09 Comparative study on teachers’ professional development. JUNG-CHENG CHEN、JUNG-CHENG CHEN conference pdf(221)
2018-11 International students mobility in North East Asia. Paper presented at International Symposium on the Innovation of University Education in Asia JUNG-CHENG CHEN、JUNG-CHENG CHEN conference
2017-11 「Giant Tree」線上學習遊戲平台(教學媒體競賽發表) YANG-HSUEH CHENYANG-HSUEH CHEN、陳秀禎、劉曉錡、黃善禾、欒秉勳、李鴻亮 conference pdf(181)
2017-11 ASSURE模式融入平衡閱讀教學以提昇澎湖縣國小五年級學童英語認字能力與閱讀態度之行動研究 YANG-HSUEH CHENYANG-HSUEH CHEN、王品薰 conference pdf(173)
2017-11 Self-regulation, smartphone addiction, and Taiwanese college students’ psychological well-being YANG-HSUEH CHENYANG-HSUEH CHEN conference
2017-11 大學生之自我導向學習準備度與智慧型手機成癮之相關研究 YANG-HSUEH CHENYANG-HSUEH CHEN、莊秀敏 conference pdf(240)
2017-11 情境教學法提升國小四年級綜合活動課程教學實施成效之行動研究 YANG-HSUEH CHENYANG-HSUEH CHEN、蔡繼振 conference pdf(129)
2017-11 環境的問題與保育(資訊科技融入教學教案競賽發表) YANG-HSUEH CHENYANG-HSUEH CHEN、潘雅玲 conference web page(251)
2017-11 闖關遊戲-玉兔大冒險(教學媒體競賽發表) YANG-HSUEH CHENYANG-HSUEH CHEN、梁書豪、羅欽姿、楊美仙、李鴻亮 conference web page(247)
2016-01 偏鄉國民教育之現狀與未來展望 TUNG-LIAO CHENG、Cheng, Tung-Liao conference pdf(151)
2018-12 學校建築美學營造之初探 楊茵茵 conference web page(339)
2017-08 Classroom Management in Transition: Challenges from Gender and Multicultural Perspectives SHU-CHING LEE、SHU-CHING LEE conference pdf(162)
2018 The Profound Passion of Life - The Connotation of Taiwan`s Integrated Curriculum Focusing for Socialization MING-SHIANG CHUU NIMING-SHIANG CHUU NI conference pdf(234)
2017-07 The Role Identity of Indonesian Chinese preschool teacher in Medan MING-SHIANG CHUU NIMING-SHIANG CHUU NI conference pdf(302)
2016-07 The Succession of Teochew Nursery Rhymes in Kampung Sungai Burung Malaysia MING-SHIANG CHUU NIMING-SHIANG CHUU NI conference web page(253)
2012-03 澳門免費教育之脈絡分析與政策影響 JUNG-CHENG CHEN、JUNG-CHENG CHEN conference web page(193)
2017-11 The image of the child among early childhood educators in China and its relation to teaching practices LIEN-AN HSU、LIEN-AN HSU conference web page(282)
2016-11 工作塑造:幼兒教師專業成長新途徑 LIEN-AN HSU、LIEN-AN HSU conference web page(169)
2018-06 以行動研究促進教師專業成長研究之回顧 LIEN-AN HSU、LIEN-AN HSU conference