All Of Publications(Limit:College of Liberal Arts、Proceedings、2020-2029)

Showing 251-275 of 516
日期 題名 Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2022-07 《文昌大洞仙經》探析--兼論扶鸞與近世道教經典之關係 高振宏 conference
2020-12 「天羅地網」在道教中的觀念與儀式 高振宏 conference 說明頁(140)
2021-12 製作經科:明代道教與東嶽信仰的發展 高振宏 conference 說明頁(144)
2021-11 唐宋時期的摩利支天信仰及其流衍 高振宏 conference 說明頁(125)
2021-10 游移在佛、道、巫間的「法師」--以洪邁《夷堅志》為主的考察 高振宏 conference 說明頁(56)
2021-11 變化、神化與神變:中國中世紀「變化」觀念之考察〉 高振宏 conference 說明頁(96)
2020-11 南洋的南洋:論二戰結束前上海《良友》畫報的「南洋群島」想像 黃國華 conference 說明頁(82)
2020-09 流動與變異:論後冷戰時期華文小說中「流變為魚」的想像 黃國華 conference 說明頁(77)
2020-06 展演地獄:彰化南天宮與麻豆代天府冥界空間的比較研究 黃國華 conference 說明頁(102)
2021-10 王充論鬼神信仰及其相關問題探究 鄭雯馨 conference 說明頁(71)
2021-09 「以香火為中心」的華人社會:以大文山地區的年例祭典為討論核心 林敬智 conference 說明頁(136)
2021-09 Spatial Analysis and Digital Archives of Local Religions: Centering on Temples in Wenshan (文山), Taipei 林敬智Lin, Ching-chih conference 說明頁(173)
2022-08 The Emergence of an Incense-Centric Society: The Forgotten Main Deity AngGong in North Taiwan 林敬智Lin, Ching-chih conference 說明頁(151)
2022-04 宗教綜攝融合與轉譯重組:從行動者網絡理論看一貫道與高台教的海外傳播 林敬智 conference 說明頁(132)
2021-12 金銀紙數位資料庫芻議 林敬智 conference 說明頁(137)
2021-12 雙忠信仰中的女神與女人:尪娘信仰與宗教組織之性別建構 林敬智 conference 說明頁(125)
2022-01 Contradiction, Negation, and the Catuṣkoṭi: Just Several Passages from Dharmapāla’s Dasheng Guangbailun Shilun 胡志強 conference 說明頁(138)
2021-12 Some Thoughts on the Entangled World: With a Little Help from My Buddhist Friends 胡志強、Hu, Chih-chiang conference 說明頁(82)
2022-04 The Notion of Awareness of Self-awareness and the Problem of Infinite Regress in the Cheng weishi lun 胡志強、Hu, Chih-chiang conference 說明頁(123)
2022-09 養生作為自我照護之技藝 蔡偉鼎 conference 說明頁(161)
2022-08 The Penghu Islands in Seventeenth-Century English Records 雷恩‧侯洛伊德、Holroyd, Ryan conference 說明頁(88)
2020-01 How the Cold War Shaped ‘China’: U.S. Aid, Chinese Overseas Students in Taiwan, and Overseas Chinese Media 藍適齊、Lan, Shichi Mike conference
2021-08 Propaganda Warriors and Ideological Enemies: Examining a US-ROC Journalism Education Project during the Cold War 藍適齊、Lan, Shichi Mike conference 說明頁(119)
2020-03 Recognition as Reconciliation: Oral History and the Taiwanese-native Japanese Soldiers in Postwar Taiwan 藍適齊、Lan, Shichi Mike conference
2021-12 Taiwanese Civilians and WWII Australia 藍適齊、Lan, Shichi Mike conference 說明頁(132)