All Of Publications(Limit:College of Science、Proceedings)

Showing 176-200 of 1046
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
1994 大學校院設立國民小學教育學程標準之研究 黃國彥 conference
1995-11 成年人的家庭關係與心理調適 黃國彥 conference
1996 圖形結構與3D深度對於霓虹顏色擴散的影響 SHWU-LIH HUANG、朱利民 conference
1995-11 成年人的家庭關係與心理調適 黃國彥 conference
1996 有效的甄選方法 YUE-LOONG CHANG conference
1996 管理才能評鑑工具在人力資源管理上的運用 YUE-LOONG CHANG conference
1996 傳記式資料 YUE-LOONG CHANG conference
1996 傳記式資料 YUE-LOONG CHANG conference
1996 「管理才能」在甄選、訓練與考核上的應用 YUE-LOONG CHANG conference
1996 傳記式問卷、同儕提名、心理測驗、認知複雜與管理績效:一項台灣管理甄選與發展的新觀點 YUE-LOONG CHANG conference
1996 Biodata,peer nomination,psychological testing,Connitive Complexity and managerial performance:a new perspective of managerial selection and development in Taiwan YUE-LOONG CHANG conference
2005-05 Conflicts in Octagonal Model Stages of Intimate Relations: A Universal Phenomenon with Differential Causes JEAW-MEI CHEN、Oliver C. S. Tzeng、Kim Wooldridge、Kikuko Campbell、Julie LaFolloette、Wu-Tien Wu conference
2005-05 Conflicts in Octagonal Model Stages of Intimate Relations: A Universal Phenomenon with Differential Causes Oliver C. S. Tzeng、Kim Wooldridge、Kikuko Campbell、Julie LaFolloette、Wu-Tien Wu、JEAW-MEI CHEN conference
2005-10 刻板印象威脅對於女性領導表現之影響 JEAW-MEI CHEN、周育瑩 conference
2005-10 刻板印象威脅對於女性領導表現之影響 JEAW-MEI CHEN、周育瑩 conference
2005-08 「刻板印象威脅」及其在教育與輔導上之應用 JEAW-MEI CHEN、周育瑩 conference
2005-08 「刻板印象威脅」及其在教育與輔導上之應用 JEAW-MEI CHEN、周育瑩 conference
1994 Effects of boundary and binocularity on the emergence of illusory color SHWU-LIH HUANGSHWU-LIH HUANG conference
1994 Effects of boundary and binocularity on the emergence of illusory color SHWU-LIH HUANGSHWU-LIH HUANG conference
2005 The Should Be, Should not Be, Are Allowed to Be, and Don`t Have to Be of Chinese Women and Men: The Contents of Gender Stereotypes JEAW-MEI CHEN、Yu-Ying Chou conference
2005 The Should Be, Should not Be, Are Allowed to Be, and Don`t Have to Be of Chinese Women and Men: The Contents of Gender Stereotypes JEAW-MEI CHEN、Yu-Ying Chou conference
2005 Prevention and intervention of destructive resolution outcomes: Family violence and child abuse and neglect JEAW-MEI CHEN、Oliver C. S. Tzeng conference
2005 Prevention and intervention of destructive resolution outcomes: Family violence and child abuse and neglect JEAW-MEI CHEN、Oliver C. S. Tzeng conference
2004-09 男性與女性的該與不該、可有與可無 JEAW-MEI CHEN、周育瑩 conference
2004-08 The role of social factors on animal behaviors 孫旻暐、JEAW-MEI CHEN conference