All Of Publications(Limit:College of Social Science、Proceedings)

Showing 3926-3950 of 4169
日期 題名 Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2018-05 The Development of Industrial Land 鄭安廷、Cheng, An-ting conference pdf(110)
2021-10 農村中的工業地景—農村示範工業區發展之回顧 鄭安廷 conference 說明頁(113)
2022-06 The mounting tension between managerialism and reflective social work practices: A critical study of Taiwan’s Social Safety Network Project 林宜輝、Lin, Yei-Whei conference 說明頁(143)
2021-10 管理主義與反思性社會工作的緊張關係:以社安網下社工實務工作為例 林宜輝 conference 說明頁(137)
2022-04 The associated effects between sparks, intentional self-regulation, and positive youth development 楊佩榮、Yang, Pei-Jung (Annie) conference pdf(178)
2022-03 Use of the Five Cs Model of Positive Youth Development on Youth with Majority and Minority (Indigenous) Status 楊佩榮、Yang, Pei-Jung conference 說明頁(212)
2022-07 Public Attitude towards Economic Relief Programme in the Covid-19 Pandemic 蔡培元 conference
2022-06 To Sue or Not to Sue? The Dilemma of Family Maintenance Litigation Caused by the Social Assistance System in Taiwan 蔡培元、Tsai, Pei-Yuen、Ko, Li-Yun conference 說明頁(119)
2022-09 實(食)物銀行全台供、需評估研究成果分享 關秉寅 conference
2022-01 Governance of pandemic between vaccine-free and free vaccine strategies: Thick governmentality in Taiwan 陳宗文 conference 說明頁(126)
2022-06 The Descriptive and Substantive Representation of women in Taiwan’s Legislative Yuan 林超琦Lin, Chao-Chi conference 說明頁(122)
2022-07 Subsidiarity in Question: Inter-American Court of Human Rights and a Globally Connected Judicial Community 翁燕菁 conference 說明頁(137)
2021-12 拉丁美洲跨國人權對話體系之建構:以墨西哥為考察中心 翁燕菁 conference 說明頁(171)
2021-11 法國企業預警義務法:企業與人權保障義務之試驗 翁燕菁 conference 說明頁(112)
2022-06 立法院常設委員會的立法影響力 盛杏湲 conference 說明頁(183)
2021-11 Situating Vernacular Cosmopolitanism among Young Farmers in Post-handover Hong Kong 何浩慈、Ho, Hao-Tzu conference 說明頁(161)
2022-03 Situating Vernacular Cosmopolitanism of Hong Kong in a Changing Climate 何浩慈、Ho, Hao-Tzu conference 說明頁(158)
2022-09 集體性與個體性之流轉:臺灣原住民研究「情感轉向」可能性探尋 何浩慈 conference 說明頁(194)
2022-08 Social Innovation in Taiwan: the developmental turn in social welfare 魏玫娟 conference
2021-11 社經環境發展對勞動教育的影響 成之約 conference pdf(45)
2022-07 我國勞動基準法第49條第1項違憲宣告後關於夜間工作保護之檢討 吳姿慧 conference 說明頁(152)
2022-06 職場性騷擾相關案件之法院裁判實務與判決評析-雇主違反性騷擾防治義務民事責任之檢討 吳姿慧 conference pdf(165)
2021-06 關鍵時刻—社會團結的重建與政策思維的挑戰 劉梅君 conference 說明頁(167)
2020-01 Combating thick polar networks: is there any effective way other than the strategic network formation? 王信實、Wang, Shinn-Shyr、Kuo, Ting-Kai、Lee, Wen-Chieh conference 說明頁(106)
2021-03 Complexity of Chengtou Bonds in China 王信實 conference 說明頁(125)