All Of Publications(Limit:College of Informatics、Proceedings)

Showing 426-450 of 1215
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2007-11 Design of an Experimental Platform for Smart Interactive TV TSAI-YEN LITSAI-YEN LI conference pdf(498)
2007-11 Developing an Intelligent Camera Module with Cinematography in Real-Time Virtual Environments TSAI-YEN LI conference pdf(458)
2007-11 Interactive Smart Character in a Shooting Game TSAI-YEN LITSAI-YEN LI conference pdf(476)
2007-11 IMHAP – An Experimental Platform for Humanoid Procedural Animation TSAI-YEN LITSAI-YEN LI conference pdf(791)
2007-10 A Crowd Simulation Framework with Communication Mechanism and Customized Events TSAI-YEN LI conference pdf(585)
2007-10 Simulating Human Low-Posture Motions with Procedural Animation TSAI-YEN LITSAI-YEN LI conference pdf(604)
2007-10 Improving Overall Quality of Distributed Computing with a Novel Trust Model TSAI-YEN LITSAI-YEN LI conference pdf(486)
2007-06 An Experimental Platform for Smart Interactive TV in Digital Home TSAI-YEN LI conference
2007-06 A Design Tool for Improving Procedural Animation with Motion Capture Data TSAI-YEN LI conference
2007-06 Procedural Animation for Human Subconscious Motions TSAI-YEN LI conference
2006-12 Real-Time Path Planning for Virtual Actors in a Multi-user Virtual Environment TSAI-YEN LI conference
2006-12 A Unified Approach to Planning the Motion of an Autonomous Digital Actor with Multiple Motion Abilities TSAI-YEN LI conference
2006-10 Third-Person Intelligent Control of Humanoid with Real-Time Motion Planning Algorithm TSAI-YEN LI conference pdf(485)
2006-07 Planning of Virtual Camera for Moving Objects in Computer Animation TSAI-YEN LI conference
2006-06 Ontology-Based Modeling of Security Control for Smart Home Application TSAI-YEN LI conference
2005-12 Motion Planning for Reshapable Objects with Size Conservation TSAI-YEN LI conference
2005-11 A User Modeling Framework for Exploring Creative Problem-Solving Ability TSAI-YEN LI conference
2005-10 Using Software Factory for Rapid Development of Conference Management System TSAI-YEN LI conference
2005-10 Planning Character Motions for Shadow Play Animations TSAI-YEN LI conference
2005-7 Rhythmic Character Animation: Interactive Chinese Lion Dance TSAI-YEN LI conference pdf(908)
2005-08 Generating Secondary Motions in Shadow Play Animations with Motion Planning Techniques TSAI-YEN LI conference pdf(906)
2004-12 A Web-based Tutoring System with Styles-matching Strategy for Learning Spatial Geometry TSAI-YEN LI conference
2004-10 Realization of PC-Based Fail-Over System TSAI-YEN LI conference
2004-10 User-centric Network Service in a Multi-User Virtual Environment TSAI-YEN LI conference
2004-07 Interactive Simulation of Web Construction and Locomotion for Virtual Spider TSAI-YEN LI conference