All Of Publications(Limit:Proceedings、2020-2029)

Showing 351-375 of 2779
日期 題名 Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2020-12 應用Auto-encoder技術於無監督漢字圖像修復 劉昭麟、Liu, Chao-Lin conference pdf(205)
2021-10 Selective avoidance and opinion expression user types in social media during elections: Their political communication behaviors and happiness 林日璇、Lin, Jih-Hsuan conference pdf(185)
2021-05 Location-based mobile advertising, benefit-cost assessment, and advertising skepticism among Taiwanese mobile consumers 林翠絹、Lin, Trisha T. C. conference pdf(232)
2021.06 Socialbot representations on cross-media platforms during 2020 Taiwanese Presidential Election: A big data research 林翠絹、Lin, Trisha T. C. conference pdf(216)
2021-05 Socialbots, political computational propaganda, and disinformation in Taiwan: A social-technical system analysis 林翠絹、Lin, Trisha T. C. conference pdf(251)
2021-06 台灣媒體報導新冠肺炎公衛危機新聞框架:個資、隱私及資安議題分析 (Taiwanese media news framing of Covid-19 public health crisis: Analyses of personal data, privacy and security issues). 林翠絹、Lin, Trisha T. C. conference pdf(297)
2021.02 “Noise“ in Communicating Risk about the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Impact of Uncivil Online Messages 施琮仁、Shih, Tsung Jen conference 說明頁(329)
2020-11 Public perception of the Covid-19 pandemic in Taiwan: The impact of misinformation and uncivil messages 施琮仁、Shih, Tsung Jen conference pdf(214)
2020-10 在虛擬實境中基於個人動暈敏感性 以客製化機制減輕暈眩之可行性探討 陳宜秀、Chen, Yi-Hsiu conference pdf(174)
2021-09 The Influence of Different Drawing Tools on the Learning Motivation and Color Cognition of the fourth grade students at the Elementary school 鄭霈絨、Pei-Jung Cheng、I-Chen Lee conference pdf(171)
2021-05 Governing Status and Campaign Promises: A Study of the 2016 Taiwanese Legislative Election 鄭夙芬Cheng, Su-feng conference pdf(1)
2020-12 Virtual Adversarial Active Learning 游勤葑、Yu, Chin-Feng、Pao, Hsing-Kuo conference pdf(242)
2021-05 LSTM-Based Approaches for the Performance Prediction in MLB 蔡炎龍、Tsai, Yen-lung conference pdf(228)
2020-08 Urban Ecotopia? Young Farmers, Food Localism, and Cosmopolitanism in Postcolonial Hong Kong 何浩慈、Ho, Hao-Tzu conference 說明頁(212)
2021-09 人類學家的社會實踐(計畫):管理、執行與審查 何浩慈、Ho, Hao-Tzu conference 說明頁(299)
2020-09 大竹高溪流域部落循環經濟生態系考察與資料庫建置之先導研究 何浩慈、Ho, Hao-Tzu conference 說明頁(222)
2020-09 以「國際發展研究」視野檢視臺灣南島語系社群「永續發展」之建構 何浩慈、Ho, Hao-Tzu conference 說明頁(194)
2020-09 感知「自然」:香港農業青年的人地關係想像 何浩慈、Ho, Hao-Tzu conference 說明頁(220)
2020-09 論壇: 重構世界的工具包:創新、永續、修復,或世界在哪裡? 個人講題:重構世界工具三―從重構自我開始 何浩慈、Ho, Hao-Tzu conference 說明頁(203)
2020-09 「慢與快:以生活節奏為基調走在文化復振的道路上」會議場次評論 何浩慈、Ho, Hao-Tzu conference 說明頁(199)
2020 從《說文新義》到《字統》-論白川靜的漢字學研究 黃庭頎、uang, Ting-Chi conference pdf(148)
2021 嬭加編鐘銘文寫作格式及書寫特徵研究 黃庭頎、uang, Ting-Chi conference 說明頁(227)
2020-10 兩蔣威權統治的地方基礎——兼論「以政養黨」與選舉舞弊 李福鐘、Li, Fu-Cheng conference pdf(152)
2020-10 臺灣首次縣市長選舉的推動與意義:以地方自治研究會的運作為中心 林果顯、Lin, Guo-Sian conference 說明頁(178)
2020-10 地方選舉、省籍關係與反對黨:美國政府對1950-1960臺灣政治發展的主張 陳翠蓮Chen, Tsui-lien conference 說明頁(263)