All Of Publications(Limit:Proceedings、2020-2029)

Showing 76-100 of 2779
日期 題名 Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2020-04 Keeping Their Words: Direct and Indirect Chinese Quote Attribution from Newspapers 鄭宇君、Cheng, Yu-Chung、Lee, Kuan-Lin、Chen, Pai-Lin、Huang, Hen-Hsen conference pdf(172)
2020-05 Political Trust, Hierarchical Trust, and Protest Participation: Evidence from China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong 鄭夙芬Cheng, Su-feng、Chen, Yen-Hsin、Yang, Wan-Ying conference 說明頁(35)
2020-11 看待諮商同意權的六種方法:原住民族法社會學觀點 王曉丹Wang, Hsiao-Tan conference 說明頁(264)
2020-11 閱讀革命:《詩歸》的杜詩選評 陳英傑、Chen, Ying-Chieh conference pdf(158)
2020-08 AI Assistant is My Bestie: Exploring the Effect of Social Role on Relationship Building with AI Assistant Enabled Smart Speakers 別蓮蒂Bei, Lien-Ti、Lee, Crystal T.、Yang, Cacelert Wei-Hao、Shen, Yung-Cheng conference 說明頁(419)
2020-07 From FinFET to FinTech 陳宗文Chen, Tzung-wen conference 說明頁(285)
2020-08 Broaden Our Sight beyond Producer and User Innovation - Product Innovation Initiated by the Helper 許牧彥Hsu, Mu -Yen conference pdf(198)
2020-10 Free from Gross Passion : Medicalized Passions in Shakespeare 楊健威、Yang, Chien-wei conference pdf(197)
2020-05 建構本土的跨專業學校輔導團隊:專任輔導教師的觀點 陳婉真Chen, Wan-Chen、李佳恩、江守峻 conference pdf(209)
2020-05 學校輔導工作團隊中校長的專業角色與挑戰 陳婉真Chen, Wan-Chen、李佳恩、江守峻 conference pdf(214)
2020-07 A SDT-SFBT based group intervention on college students’ smartphone addiction and positive smartphone usage 陳揚學Chen, Yang-Hsueh、Wu, Y. C. conference 說明頁(301)
2020-09 Socialbots and disinformation in political domains: A systematic literature review 林翠絹、Lin, T. T. C.、王若瑜、Wang, J. Y. conference 說明頁(330)
2020-06 台灣OTT創新經營與轉型: 以公視 與Yahoo TV為例 林翠絹、Lin, T. T. C. conference 說明頁(279)
2020-06 社交媒體機器人在政治宣傳及科技選戰之運用:以臺灣選舉為例. (Using social bots in political campaigns and elections in Taiwan) 林翠絹、Lin, T. T. C.、王若瑜、Wang, J. Y. conference pdf(187)
2020-08 Barriers to the use of "Internet-Only Banking" for the elderly: a case of Taiwan 吳雅雯 conference 說明頁(379)
2020-08 Becoming A Real-fan Or A Non-fan for The Augmented Reality Mobile Games 周致遠、Chou, Chih-Yuan conference 說明頁(256)
2020-07 Using Metaheuristic Simulate the 5G Spectrum Auction 張智為、Chang, Chih Wei conference 說明頁(517)
2020-05 樂齡人士智慧型手機學習歷程探討 黃葳威Huang, Wei-Wei conference 說明頁(439)
2020-07 1920年代台灣農民運動中的蕉農與青果組合 黃仁姿、Huang, Jen-Tzu  conference 說明頁(417)
2020-09 通過「承認」而思:《荀子》禮治論的跨文化解讀 李松駿、Li, Sung-jyun conference pdf(163)
2020-06 方東美論中國藝術之「玄覽直覺」與「廣大和諧」──兼述方東美、南懷瑾相關詩作之理趣 周志煌、Chou, Chih-Huang conference 說明頁(258)
2020-10 從文本到舞台,高俊耀「七種靜默」系列敘事策略之一 ──以《饕餮》為對象 侯雲舒、YUN-SHU HOU conference 說明頁(193)
2020-11 傳聞:蘇轍、黃庭堅交往關係重探 陳英傑、Chen , Ying Jie conference pdf(297)
2020-11 《四庫》系統下《易》學論著文獻輯錄與評介之商榷—— 以《大易象數鈎深圖》、《周易象義》及《象抄》為例 陳睿宏Chen, Rui- Hong conference 說明頁(171)
2020-01 宋代前期《易》學圖說與《洪範》會通析論 陳睿宏Chen, Rui- Hong conference pdf(160)