All Of Publications(Limit:College of Communication、Periodical Articles、2010-2019)

Showing 351-375 of 640
日期 題名 Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2016-07 奈米科技發展與政策之常民認知 施琮仁、林宜平、鄭尊仁 article pdf(445)
2015-07 不同媒體平台對公眾參與科學決策能力之影響: 以奈米科技為例 施琮仁 article pdf(409)
2016-07 活在危險年代:白色恐怖情境下的新聞工作者群像(1949-1975) 陳百齡 article pdf(622)
2017 Developing Communication Strategies for Mitigating Actions Against Global Warming: Linking Framing and a Dual Processing Model 施琮仁、林政佑、Shih, Tsung-Jen、Lin, Cheng-Yu article 說明頁(912)
2016-08 Green practices are gendered: Exploring gender inequality caused by sustainable consumption policies in Taiwan 王淑美、Wang, Sumei article pdf(620)
2016-07 An information visualization system to assist news topics exploration with social media 李蔡彥陳百齡、Lin, Ching-Ya,、Li, Tsai-YenChen, Pailin article 說明頁(1115)
2014-03 After Piracy: Reflections of Industrial Designers in Taiwan on Sustainable Innovation 林怡潔 book/chapter 說明頁(875)
2014-07 中日談判下的在華日人輿論與宣傳:以《順天時報》對中日二十一條交涉報導為例 楊鎵民 article pdf(864)
2014-06 老男孩「臧哥」的《研究方法》課程教學創新——台灣政 治大學傳播學院臧國仁教授課堂觀察特寫 王彥 article pdf(686)
2016-06 The Participants and Their Motivation of \"Human Flesh Search\" --Comparing the Phenomena in Taiwan and the Chinese Mainland 杜賽男、Du, Sainan conference pdf(370)
2016-07 On the Prehistory of Framing Theory (1955-1973). 2016 INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR MEDIA AND COMMUNICATION RESEARCH 王彥 conference pdf(491)
2011-12 大陸男女青年收看網路色情的第三人效果研究 羅文輝、從佳、張國良 article pdf(605)
2016-04 追分趕秒:新聞組織的時間結構化策略──以報社圖表產製為例 陳百齡Cheng, Pai-Lin article pdf(558)
2015-07 30年前的台灣新電影運動,意味著什麼? 陳儒修 book/chapter 說明頁(856)
2014-05 首相宅邸裡的瑪丹娜?英國報紙如何再現柴契爾與女性主義之間的關聯 康庭瑜 article pdf(521)
2017 Why Do Young People Multitask With Multiple Media? Explicating the Relationships Among Sensation Seeking, Needs,and Media Multitasking Behavior Chang, Yuhmiin張郁敏 article 說明頁(938)
2016-12 線上影音接收、傳散與產製上傳行為探討: 多元動機之觀點 張卿卿Chang, Chingching article pdf(517)
2017-01 臺灣日治時期商業廣告中的「戰爭」符號研 究:以《臺灣日日新報》為例 孫秀蕙、陳儀芬、Sun, Hsiu-hui、Chen, I-fen article pdf(575)
2016-01 1968-1978年臺灣《婦女雜誌》的女性論述建構 孫秀蕙 article pdf(704)
2016-12 從傳播的偏向到STS:再探Harold Adam Innis傳播理論中的關鍵元素 王淑美、Wang, Sumei article 說明頁(605)
2017-01 另一種「新聞攝影」?──以「洪仲丘事件」中 Facebook 粉絲頁為例,初探社群平臺之影像傳播 區國強、陳百齡、潘金谷、Au, Kwok-Keung、Chen, Pai-Lin、Pan, Jin-Gu article 說明頁(735)
2016-08 Behavioral Recommendations in Health Research News as Cues to Action:Self-Relevancy and Self-Efficacy Processes 張卿卿Chang, Chingching article 說明頁(814)
2015-02 Understanding the roles of cultural differences and socio-economic status in social media continuance intention 田詩薇、Hsu, Meng-Hsiang、Tien, Shih-Wei、Lin, Hsien-Cheng、Chang, Chun-Ming article pdf(573)
2017 Bricolage in the urban cultural sector: the case of Bradford City of Film 康庭瑜、Kang, Tingyu article pdf(555)
2016-12 Methodological Issues in Advertising Research: Current Status, Shifts, and Trends 張卿卿Chang, Chingching article pdf(860)