All Of Publications(Limit:College of Foreign Languages and Literature、Periodical Articles)

Showing 726-750 of 2103
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2010.06 Poetry in Tang Period: Three Poems - Three Poets Li Bai, Lu Zhaolin and Shi Juanwu 古爾漢、KIRİLEN,Gürhan article pdf(1838)
2012.01 日漢語「~化」之對比研究 WEN-LANG SOOWEN-LANG SOO article pdf(1095)
2012-09 淺論韓國民間的妖怪---以Dokkaebi為中心 HONG-CHIH HWANGHONG-CHIH HWANG article pdf(5759)
2011-01 Gender Difference in EFL Learners` Spoken Discourse -- A Case Study/外國語文研究 MEI-LIN LEEMEI-LIN LEE article pdf(1310)
2012-09 Transculturality and the Perception of the Other in Science and Teaching: A Research Outline 陶克思、Thonfeld, Christoph article pdf(1230)
2010.06 韓半島「龍」圖騰的研究-以韓國民俗文化爲中心 HONG-CHIH HWANG article pdf(1254)
2013-01 布留索夫小說《燃燒的天使》中的愛情與魔法 MENG-I SCHU article web page(1323)
2013.06 Teaching English Idioms as Metaphors through Cognitive-oriented Methods: A Case in an EFL Writing Class HUEI-LING LAI、Lai, Huei-ling article pdf(1118)
2013.05 East Asian teaching practices through the eyes of Western learners TSAI-HUNG CHENTSAI-HUNG CHEN article pdf(1556)
2012-03 A Corpus-Based Study of Mandarin Soaking Verbs PAO and JIN. SIAW-FONG CHUNGSIAW-FONG CHUNG article web page(1629)
2011.04 Revisiting the Flaneur in T.S. Eliot`s Eeldrop and Appleplex—I LI-MIN YANGLI-MIN YANG article pdf(1267)
2012.06 Publicaciones en China y en Taiwán de las traducciones de las novelas españolas al chino MENG-HSUAN KUMENG-HSUAN KU article pdf(1523)
2009.09 Rhapsody on a City of Dreadful Night: The Flaneur and Urban Spectacle LI-MIN YANGLI-MIN YANG article pdf(1157)
2011.12 基於辭典詞彙釋義之多階層語義關聯程度計量 ─ 以「目」字部為例。 SIAW-FONG CHUNGSIAW-FONG CHUNG article pdf(795)
2012.06 Towards a Minor Theatre: The Task of the Playmaker in Our Country’s Good LI-MIN YANGLI-MIN YANG article pdf(1162)
2009.06 Rewriting Enlightenment: The Mystery of Udolpho YIH DAU WUYIH DAU WU article pdf(1200)
2010.12 Time and Illness in Persuasion YIH DAU WUYIH DAU WU article pdf(1129)
2012.03 A Corpus-Based Study of Mandarin Soaking Verbs PAO and JIN. SIAW-FONG CHUNGSIAW-FONG CHUNG、 Hsu,You-Fen article web page(1561)
2010.09 西夏語的格助詞 PEI-CHI CHANG article pdf(1056)
2011.07 Universal Marking in Accent Formation: Evidence from Taiwanese-Mandarin and Mandarin-Taiwanese YU-CHAU E. HSIAOYU-CHAU E. HSIAO article pdf(1331)
2010.04 The metrics of Gu-shi: a corpus-based approach (從語料庫觀點探討古詩節律) YU-CHAU E. HSIAOYU-CHAU E. HSIAO article pdf(1357)
2013.06 Una mirada al espacio, a la identidad femenina y a la maternidad en Nubosidad variable de Carmen Martin Gaite CHUNG-YING YANGCHUNG-YING YANG article pdf(1323)
2012-12 近代詩歌的「不穩性」與殖民地檢閱-《諺文新聞詩歌》(1931年)之分析 韓基亨、Han, Kee-Hyung article pdf(953)
2012-12 近代詩歌的「不穩性」與殖民地檢閱─《諺文新聞詩歌》(1931 年)之分析 韓基亨、陳允元、Han, Kee-Hyung、Chen, Yun-Yuan article pdf(1522)
2006.01 彰化民謠之節律研究 YU-CHAU E. HSIAOYU-CHAU E. HSIAO article pdf(828)