All Of Publications(Limit:College of Foreign Languages and Literature、Periodical Articles)

Showing 1051-1075 of 2108
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2011-06 Cross-anchoring of tones in Hoiliuk triplication YU-CHAU E. HSIAOYU-CHAU E. HSIAO article pdf(901)
2014-07 李克強英國、希臘之行評析 TAI-LIN CHANGTAI-LIN CHANG article pdf(634)
2015-01 從因果關係看漢語兒童敘事連貫能⼒力的發展 WEN-HUI SAHWEN-HUI SAH article pdf(769)
2010-09 從電子紙產業發展趨勢評析台灣廠商之競爭優勢 MUH-TARNG SHIEH、張琳禎、張美智、MUH-TARNG SHIEH、Chang, Lin-Chen、Zhang, Mei-Zhi article pdf(1047)
2011-03 韓流對臺灣的影響及其因應對策 CHIU-WEN KUO、Kuo, Chiu-Wen article pdf(1109)
2014-12 Aventura urbana, autonomia femenina y maternidad: Un acercamiento a Caperucita en Manhattan CHUNG-YING YANG article web page(2098)
2015-01 Lexical Arguments and Information Types in Malay Oral Narratives SIAW-FONG CHUNGSIAW-FONG CHUNG article web page(1231)
2015-04 National Journals and Centering Institutions: A historiography of an English language teaching journal in Taiwan CHERYL LYNN SHERIDANCHERYL LYNN SHERIDAN article pdf(1056)
2011-12 Power perceptions and negotiations in a cross-national email writing activity Liu, Yichun、YI-CHUN LIU article pdf(1072)
2009-4 Second Language Learning in Taiwan: A Stocktaking of the Current Situation in Institutional German Instruction Lay, Tristan、賴漢龍 article web page(1148)
2010-03 Other-repetition in Mandarin child language: A discourse-pragmatic perspective CHIUNG-CHIH HUANGCHIUNG-CHIH HUANG article pdf(1069)
2009-04 Film and Video in Foreign Language Instruction. An Empirical-Quantitative Inquiry on the Didactic-Methodological Implementation of Film-Specific Activities in German Studies at Taiwanese Universities Lay, Tristan、賴漢龍 article web page(1363)
2015-02 Rethinking transfer: Learning from call teacher education as consequential transition Chao, Chinchi、CHIN-CHI CHAO article web page(1259)
2014-10 On silent elements: A case study of grand and its silent entourage. ONE-SOON HER、蔡慧瑾、ONE-SOON HER、Tsai, Hui-Chin article pdf(988)
2014-12 論現行大學英語畢業門檻的適法性:以政大法規為實例的論證 ONE-SOON HERYUAN-HAO LIAO、蔣侃學、ONE-SOON HER、 Liao, Bruce Yuan-Hao 、 Chiang, Kan-Hsueh article web page(1314)pdf(1057)
2014-01 El estudio de las traducciones de Beijing Coma en español, inglés y chino. MENG-HSUAN KU article pdf(1032)
2000-06 韓語數量詞片語的文法特徵 CHIU-WEN KUO article web page(1028)
2015-03 Clausal-packaging of path of motion in Mandarin learners’ acquisition of Russian and Spanish KA-WAI CHUIHSIANG-LIN YEH、Chui, Kawai、HSIANG-LIN YEH、La, Wen-Chun、Che, Yu-Han article pdf(1035)
2010-12 Education as a Pharmakon in Mary Shelley`s Frankenstein SHUN-LIANG CHAO article pdf(856)
2012 Vedda (Vanniyaletto) as folk life: Intangible cultural heritage in Sri Lanka DAVID SCOTT BLUNDELLDAVID SCOTT BLUNDELL article web page(1025)
2006-10 布寧「藝術哲學三部曲」的死亡詩學基調是如何構成的? 王鵬、Wang, Peng article pdf(590)
2009-08 普拉托諾夫作品的隱喻使用在漢譯作品的再現初探 YING-CHUAN LAIYING-CHUAN LAI article pdf(553)
2010-12 從俄語俗諺看俄羅斯飲食文化 JUI-CHENG CHANG、Chang, Jui-cheng, article pdf(4741)
2013 Children`s formal division of labor in requests Chen, Yupin、陳郁彬 article web page(1762)
2011-01 Taiwan Austronesian language heritage connecting Pacific Island peoples: Diplomacy and values DAVID SCOTT BLUNDELLDAVID SCOTT BLUNDELL article web page(1201)