All Of Publications(Limit:College of Liberal Arts、Periodical Articles)

Showing 5201-5225 of 5258
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2024-06 Exploring Interpersonal Networks Based on Text Analysis: Insights from the Overseas Taiwanese Leftist Database YI-CHIEH WUHUA-YUAN HSUEH、Wu, Yi-Chieh、HUA-YUAN HSUEH article pdf(89)
2024-06 「人生」、「人蔘」傻傻分不清─幾個臺灣華語的語音特點分析 YUN-SHAN SUNG article web page(107)
2024-06 兩周銘文辭例「擇其吉金」及相關問題探究 TING-CHI HUANG article
2024-06 Reboot and Restoration: Exploring the Wartime Memory and Diasporic Narratives of Wang Chia-Cheng's Writings Who Came to Taiwan after 1945 SHIH-YUN LO、Lo, Shih-Yun article web page(99)
2023-12 The relationship between the gentry and spirit alter in Qing dynasty: A study on the Zhang Sanfeng spirit writing texts SHU-WEI HSIEHSHU-WEI HSIEH article web page(109)
2024-09 [書評] Vincent Goossaert高萬桑, Making the Gods Speak: The Ritual Production of Revelation in Chinese Religious History SHU-WEI HSIEH article web page(228)
2023-03 An Ontological View of Care: Promoting the Eco-Dialogue between Philosophy and Ecological Anthropology SHU-FEN LIN、Lin, Shu-Fen article web page(118)
2024-03 Political Trauma and Care in Arendt's Perspective on Human Rights: A Case Study of the 228 Peace Movement SHU-FEN LIN、Lin, Shu-Fen article web page(95)
2022-08 Dao, Qi, and Body/Mind--Huanglao Daoist Methodology of Nurturing Life SHU-FEN LIN、Lin, Shu-Fen article web page(111)
2024-08 A knowledge graph analysis tool of people and organizations to facilitate digital humanities research CHIH-MING CHENCHIH-MING CHEN、Witt, Barbara、Lin, Chun-Yu article web page(146)
2024-08 Enhancing programming learning performance through a Jigsaw collaborative learning method in a metaverse virtual space CHIH-MING CHENCHIH-MING CHEN、Huang, Ming-Yan article web page(132)
2024-06 朱熹《詩》說與《詩序》異同研究之檢討 HSING-CHIEN CHE article pdf(75)
2023-12 胡承珙及其《求是堂文集》 HSING-CHIEN CHE article web page(109)
2024-04 當代臺灣大專院校《詩經》傳授的實例考察──以朱守亮的教學實踐為對象 HSING-CHIEN CHE article web page(132)
2020-08 An Examination on the Dunhuang Manuscripts of "Shi sheng dizi Bensheng Yuanqi", "Praise of Shi da dizi" and "Shizhe Shengwen" MING-CHANG YANGMING-CHANG YANG article web page(78)
2024-06 書寫自我──論〈離騷〉的自稱代詞 TUNG-LIANG LIAO article web page(91)
2024-09 The Thought of Zisheng and Duhua in the Context of the Zhuangzi YU-MIN SHIAUYU-MIN SHIAU article web page(95)
2024-07 On Guo Xiang's "Zisheng" and "Duhua" Based on "Tao" as the Source of "Wu" YU-MIN SHIAUYU-MIN SHIAU article web page(113)
2024-06 Rethinking Female Same-Sex Intimacy: Sexual Identity Politics and Affective Alliance in the Cultural Representation of Taiwan Kua-á-hì and Korean Yeosung Gukgeuk PEI-JEAN CHENPEI-JEAN CHEN article web page(121)
2024-07 史誌觀道新旅碑:武德鸞文與百年大醮 CHEN-YUAN LIN article web page(78)
2024-07 Exploring the Form and Meaning of Buddhist Psychotherapy through a Phenomenological-Experiential Approach WEI-LUN LEE、Lee, Wei-Lun article web page(93)
2024-08 From Preservation of Existence to the Unity of Discourse—On the Foundation of Ethics of Co-Responsibility in Global Ethics YUAN-TSE LINYUAN-TSE LIN article
2024-11 Vom gelungenen Umgang mit dem Ungesehenen: Der Fall des chinesischen Malers Zhao Mengfu KAI MARCHALKAI MARCHAL article web page(112)
2024-08 Automated breast imaging report generation based on the integration of multiple image features in a metadata format for shared decision-making CHUNG MING LO、Lo, Chung-Ming、Chen, Hui-Ru article web page(101)
2024-08 Automated optical inspection based on synthetic mechanisms combining deep learning and machine learning CHUNG MING LO、Lo, Chung-Ming、Lin, Ting-Yi article web page(95)