All Of Publications(Limit:College of Law、Periodical Articles)

Showing 2601-2625 of 3087
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2012-09 Implementing a Child`s Right to Indentify His/Her Blood Filiations YU-ZU TAI、Tai, Yu-Zu article pdf(269)
2012-08 反於血統真實認領的救濟管道-評最高法院100年台上字第1034號及相關裁判兼論86年台上字第1906號判例 YU-ZU TAI、Tai, Yu-Zu article web page(189)
2021-03 台灣民法繼承編之修訂 YU-ZU TAI、Tai, Yu-Zu article web page(262)
2017-09 司法院釋字第748 號解釋出爐之後的立法因應 YU-ZU TAI、Tai, Yu-Zu article web page(197)
2018-07 未成年子女之醫療決定權與醫師的告知義務 YU-ZU TAI、Tai, Yu-Zu article pdf(217)
2012-07 生父權利在親子關係中的擴張 YU-ZU TAI、Tai, Yu-Zu article web page(228)
2016-02 由生父死後認領之訴之當事人適格論重婚效力的演變-評臺灣高等法院一○二年度家上更(一)字第六號民事裁定 YU-ZU TAI、Tai, Yu-Zu article web page(204)
2018-03 由成年監護制度與病人自主權利法探討高齡者之醫療照護決定 YU-ZU TAI、Tai, Yu-Zu article pdf(185)
2014-01 由德國同性伴侶法的催生、影響與轉化檢視德國對同性人權之保障 YU-ZU TAI、Tai, Yu-Zu article web page(170)
2016-06 Revisiting the Restrictions and Legalization of Surrogacy from Judgments of European Court of Human Rights: a Discussion about the Prioritization of Children’s Best Interests YU-ZU TAI、Tai, Yu-Zu article web page(222)
2015-09 Prohibition and Permission for Artificial Insemination After Death YU-ZU TAI、Tai, Yu-Zu article web page(262)
2008-10 Blood Relationship, Family and Child Interests: A Discussion on the Disavowal of Legitimacy in Taiwanese Civil Law Based on the Development of Relevant Legislation in Germany YU-ZU TAI、Tai, Yu-Zu article pdf(334)
2020-09 高齡者醫療自主與監護制度之社會調查與法律分析 YU-ZU TAI、Tai, Yu-Zu、林昭吟、Lin, Chao-yin、張亦忱、Chang, Yi Chen article pdf(271)
2013-08 從實體法的觀點論家事事件法中之親子子女關係事件程序 YU-ZU TAI、Tai, Yu-Zu article web page(188)
2010-12 從親屬法上之父母子女關係論未成年子女之醫療決定權 YU-ZU TAI、Tai, Yu-Zu article web page(291)
2018-02 結婚離婚與收養要件之再檢討/簡評台灣高等法院104年度家上字第46號判決 YU-ZU TAI、Tai, Yu-Zu article web page(181)
2020-10 Supporting and Responding to the Voluntary Guardianship System and the Advance Medical Decision: With Comparison between the Legal System of Germany, Swiss and Austria YU-ZU TAI、Tai, Yu-Zu article web page(278)
2018-04 Right to self-determination on medical care under the commencement of guardianship and the assistance - Focusing on the ability to understand YU-ZU TAI、Tai, Yu-Zu article web page(252)
2010-03 歐洲收養法制的特殊問題-由歐洲人權法院的幾起裁判談起 YU-ZU TAI、Tai, Yu-Zu article web page(229)
2021-08 論法定繼承與戶籍身分登記 YU-ZU TAI、Tai, Yu-Zu article web page(219)
2014-06 A Discussion on the Guardian of the Person in the German Adult Guardianship Law and the Relevant Procedure Rules YU-ZU TAI、Tai, Yu-Zu article web page(247)
2018-08 Custody of Step-Parents and Foster Parents-- Introduction of Social and Psychologically Parents Concept YU-ZU TAI、Tai, Yu-Zu article pdf(404)
2020-12 Regulatory Conundrums andLegal/Regulatory Strategies forFinTech Developments:Focusing on the Regulations andPractices in Taiwan CHENG-YUN TSANG article pdf(306)
2022-04 Policy Responses to Cross-border Central Bank Digital Currencies – Assessing the Transborder Effects of Digital Yuan PING-KUEI CHENPING-KUEI CHENCHENG-YUN TSANGCHENG-YUN TSANG article web page(395)
2022-03 Understanding Policy Diffusion Mechanism of Financial Regulatory Innovation: The Experience of Taiwan PING-KUEI CHENPING-KUEI CHENCHENG-YUN TSANGCHENG-YUN TSANG article web page(489)