All Of Publications(Limit:College of Law、Periodical Articles)

Showing 2976-3000 of 3024
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2023-06 Constructing Multiple and Practicable Subjects: How Does Legal Mobilization Promote Indigenous Self-Government? A Case Study of the Katratripulr Solar Case HSIAO-TAN WANGHSIAO-TAN WANG article web page(93)
2024-09 原住民族法律解殖——拆解法律敘事的殖民暴力遺緒,並邁向法律多元主義 HSIAO-TAN WANG article web page(166)
2024-01 The EU’s Vaccine Diplomacy in the WHO DER-CHIN HORNGDER-CHIN HORNG article web page(60)
2023-12 The WTO Fisheries Subsidies Agreement: Negotiations, Law and Impacts DER-CHIN HORNG、陳俠語、趙如、DER-CHIN HORNG、Chen, Hsia-yu、Chao, Ru article web page(71)
2024-01 The Legality of the US CHIPS Act and Its Implications under the WTO Framework DER-CHIN HORNG、鄭皓文、DER-CHIN HORNG、Zheng, Hao-wen article web page(59)
2023-12 The EU Strategy and Regulation on Disinformation DER-CHIN HORNG、劉真妤、DER-CHIN HORNG、Liu, Chen Yu article web page(98)
2023-11 背信罪的「他人之事務」─評臺灣高等法院臺中分院111年度上易字第384號刑事判決 SHIH-HSUAN HUANG article web page(68)
2023-12 Protective Policies and Practical Disputes Associated with Establishing Labor Contracts for Seafarers: Perspectives for Analyzing and Comparing Existing Policies between Taiwan and Japan LIANG-JUNG LINLIANG-JUNG LIN article pdf(4)
2023-12 On the Question of Seafarer' Participation in Social Insurance TUNG-JUI CHANG、Chang, Tung-Jui article pdf(4)
2024-03 碳排放交易與碳定價:以歐盟ETS與CBAM為例 YAO-MING HSU article web page(186)
2024-01 地方自治條例函告無效爭議之行政訴訟原告適格─—最高行政法院111年度抗字第6號裁定及相關裁判評析 CHEN-JUNG CHAN article web page(112)
2024-02 教師不服學校「一定期間不得聘任為教師」決議之權利救濟──最高行政法院相關判決評析 CHEN-JUNG CHAN article web page(138)
2024-03 對小孩更為有利就可以改定?—論民法第1055條離婚後對於未成年子女之親權改定 HUNG-EN LIU article web page(189)
2007-10 刑法第二九六條之一買賣質押人口罪之修正初探 JU-YUAN HSIEH article web page(60)
2006-11 The Family Order under the Regulation of the Criminal Law JU-YUAN HSIEHJU-YUAN HSIEH article web page(68)
2007-11 An Appraisal of the Latest Developments of Private Correctional Facilities in the United States and Japan JU-YUAN HSIEHJU-YUAN HSIEH article web page(61)
2005-03 修復式司法的現狀與未來 JU-YUAN HSIEH article web page(79)
2007-12 Considering Restorative Justice: Focusing on New Zealand’s Experience in Court-Referred Restorative Justice Pilot JU-YUAN HSIEHJU-YUAN HSIEH article web page(65)
2006-09 論犯罪被害人在受刑人處遇中的角色 JU-YUAN HSIEH article web page(67)
2009-03 薬物乱用に関する台湾の法規範と刑事政策 JU-YUAN HSIEH article web page(57)
2024-04 「損害」是什麼?—評最高法院97年度台上字第899號民事判決 PO-FENG CHOU article web page(104)
2024-03 妨害性自主之「猥褻」釋義—評析台灣高等法院111年度侵上字第25號刑事判決 SHENG-CHIEH LEE article web page(75)
2024-03 The Theoretical Position of Assumption of Risk: A Comparative Study of Japan, France, and Taiwan YUN-CHI CHANG article web page(59)
2024-04 配偶權侵害及與有過失—評高等法院110年度上易字第861號民事判決 YUN-CHI CHANG article web page(60)
2024-06 The Binding Effects of the Grounds of the Final Judgment: Focus on the Comparison between Taiwan and Germany MING SHENG LIUMING SHENG LIU article pdf(51)