All Of Publications(Limit:College of Law、Periodical Articles)

Showing 3026-3050 of 3063
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2023-12 ESG之公司永續資訊揭露義務與憲法 CHIN-WEN WU article web page(2)
2024-01 居住權/適當住房權之權利論證與限制─高雄高等行政法院107年度原訴字第2號判決 CHIN-WEN WU article web page(3)
2024-09 催生我國吹哨者保護的省思 SHENG-CHIEH LEE article web page(7)
2022-02 共同訴訟之國際管轄權判斷─評最高法院110年度台抗字第693號民事裁定 SHYH-MING CHIANG article web page(4)
2024-04 再論反對抵銷-兼評最高法院112年度台上字第1634號民事判決 SHYH-MING CHIANG article web page(6)
2024-08 事實性推定之研究─評最高法院109年度台上字第1458號民事判決 SHYH-MING CHIANG article web page(4)
2024-02 候補法官未行合議之法院組織不合法—評最高法院112年度台上字第1839號民事判決 SHYH-MING CHIANG article web page(3)
2023-09 間接反證之研究 SHYH-MING CHIANG article web page(4)
2024-09 氣候變遷與海洋環境保護:國際海洋法庭2024年5月21日關於氣候變遷之諮詢意見 YAO-MING HSU article web page(1)
2024-05 析論立法院調查權、聽證權與藐視國會之處罰 YUAN-HAO LIAO article web page(4)
2024-06 Is Preferential Admissions Policy for Minorities Racial Discrimination?: SFFA v. Harvard Entrenched the Formal Equality Jurisprudence YUAN-HAO LIAO、Liao, Bruce Yuan-Hao article web page(4)
2023-10 Regulating Disinformation in the Online Platform Era: Are Traditional Free Speech Principles Obsolete? TING-CHI LIUTING-CHI LIU article web page(3)
2024-09 A Study on Administrative Courts’ Standard of Review on Decisions of National Communications Commission: An Observation on Cases from 2015 to 2022 TING-CHI LIUTING-CHI LIU article web page(2)
2015-09 Application of “Laws of Nature” and the Patent Eligibility of Personalized Medicine Treatment Method--In the Wake of Mayo v. Prometheus Decision LUNG-SHENG CHEN、Chen, Lung-Sheng article web page(2)
2020-04 Reconsidering Conflicts over Gene Patents in view of Taiwan Patent Law LUNG-SHENG CHEN、Chen, Lung-Sheng article web page(4)
2023-10 Artificial Intelligence Generated Works and Authorship LUNG-SHENG CHEN article web page(2)
2019-08 Artificial Intelligence and Intellectual Property--From the Perspective of Japan Policy LUNG-SHENG CHEN article web page(9)
2014-08 A Study of Patent Eligibility of Computer Software: From the U.S. Supreme Court's Alice v. CLS Bank Decision LUNG-SHENG CHEN article web page(5)
2019-04 Remedies and Unjust Enrichment for Patent Infringement in View of the Taiwan Supreme Court 106/2467 Decision LUNG-SHENG CHEN article web page(2)
2023-01 The Public Policy and Accepted Principles of Morality Clause of the EU Trademark Regulation in Light of the CJEU Fack Ju Göhte Decision LUNG-SHENG CHEN、Chen, Lung-Sheng article web page(1)
2024-08 Corporate R&D, Sustainable Management, and Intellectual Property Rights Management LUNG-SHENG CHEN article web page(2)
2023-06 Patent Eligibility Issues in Regenerative Medicine Related Inventions LUNG-SHENG CHEN、Chen, Lung-Sheng article web page(2)
2022-08 Patent Eligibility for Artificial Intelligence and Business Method Inventions in Taiwan LUNG-SHENG CHEN article web page(3)
2020-07 A Study on Arrest in Flagrante Delicto by Someone without Criminal Investigation Authority LUNG-SHENG CHEN article web page(2)
2020-11 保全證據程序於植物品種權侵害事件之適用—智慧財產法院103年度民聲字第23號民事裁定評析 LUNG-SHENG CHEN article web page(2)