All Of Publications(Limit:Periodical Articles、2000-2009)

Showing 12126-12150 of 13470
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2006-12 惠棟改易經文以釋《易》述評 RUI- HONG CHENRUI- HONG CHEN article web page(750)
2005-06 《恒先》與老子 王博、Wang, Bo article pdf(321)
2003-05 著名商標或標章的認定時點 JERRY G. FONG article web page(949)
2008-09 The Community Cooperative and Community Industries: A Case Study of Baimi Community in Suao 許世雨、李宛柔 article web page(332)
2006-12 邁入13位數碼的ISBN新里程--回首我國國際標準書號的來時路 NANCY O.L. CHOU article pdf(1247)
2001-06 產品知識及來源國形象對顧客滿意度之影響:Elaboration Likelihood Model之理論應用 JYH-SHEN CHIOULEI-YU WU、陳仲熙、JYH-SHEN CHIOU article web page(1093)
2006-10 焦點團體研究法在改善調查品質上的應用─以TEDS為例 SU-FENG CHENG article
2000 後共產主義時代烏克蘭之經濟轉型 MEI-LAN HUNG article web page(761)
2007-09 Social relationships and sexism in the U.S. and Taiwan Lee, I-Ching 、Pratto F.、李怡青 article pdf(1422)web page(1387)
2006-09 教育目標結構與成就目標取向對國小學童自我阻礙行為及考試焦慮之預測作用 SHU-SHEN SHIH article pdf(772)
2006-03 臺灣地區國民中學教育績效評鑑之研究 劉春初 、 莊立民  article web page(363)
2005-02 The Widow`s House: The Japanese Language Literature and Soseki`s "Kokoro" (Heart) 李郁蕙 article web page(289)
2001-11 從發展型管理看校長的學校經營 MU-JIN CHEN article
2006.03 Infants` and Preschoolers` Imitation of Object Manipulation: The Influences of Movement Path, Perceptual Saliency, and Task Constraints CHI-TAI HUANG、江欣茹、CHI-TAI HUANG、Jiang,Shin-Ru article pdf(947)
2004-04 Exploring Corporate Donation Behavior:A Case Study of Taiwan YAO-LUNG HSIEH、Hsieh, Yaolung James article pdf(1111)
2003-05 Library and Copyright Law 江守田、Chiang, Shou-tyan article pdf(153)
2002 Assessing and managing the benefits of enterprise systems: the business manager`s perspective SHIAW-CHUN SHANGSHIAW-CHUN SHANG article pdf(932)
2007-02 「相關」與「模糊」在資訊檢索領域中關係驗證與分析 李煜基、Li, Yu-Ji、洪一梅、Hung, I-Mei article pdf(809)
2005-08 臺巴自由貿易協定對服務貿易自由化之可能貢獻 GUANG-HWA YANG article
2007-01 EU Solvency Ⅱ:整合型態風險管理的保險監理架構 SHIH-CHIEH CHANG article
2007-06 漢譯佛經中的偈頌與讚頌簡要辨析 陳明、Chen, Ming article pdf(847)web page(1028)
2008-08 Existence of positive solutions for various boundary value problems Wong, F.H.、TEN-GING CHENTEN-GING CHENTEN-GING CHEN article pdf(598)
2000-11 Change and Continuity of Party Identification among the Electorate in Taiwan LU-HUEI CHENLU-HUEI CHEN article pdf(405)
2000 Industrial democracy and institutional environment: a comparison of Germany and Taiwan TZU-SHIAN HAN、Su-Fen Chiu article pdf(3068)
2001-08 A Call for Blind Resources Sharing 吳美美、Wu, Mei-Mei article pdf(216)