All Of Publications(Limit:Periodical Articles、2000-2009)

Showing 12351-12375 of 13470
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2008 The accelerating effect of market demand in the creativity generating process: a case study Hung, Hsin-Min、KUA-TERNG SU、Jones, Charlotte、洪新民 article web page(1492)
2005.07 你搞懂整合行銷傳播了嗎?看Tom Duncan所謂的IMC YUHMIIN CHANGYUHMIIN CHANG article pdf(720)
2001.01 The effect of a delayed weekend sleep pattern on sleep and morning functioning CHIEN-MING YANGCHIEN-MING YANG、Arthur J. Spielmana article pdf(1034)
2006-05 An approach to controlling two dependent process steps with autocorrelated observations SU-FEN YANG、Yang,C、SU-FEN YANG、Yang, Chung-Ming article pdf(1115)
2002 The Taiwanese/Chinese Identity of the Taiwan People in the 1990s I-CHOU LIUSZU-YIN HO、Ho, Szu-yin 、I-CHOU LIU article pdf(740)
2006-06 預防再犯團體模式對性罪犯之療效評估與影響 陳若璋 、 林烘煜 article web page(474)
2007-02 A study of authorial opinions on institutional repositories Lin, Cheng-huang、Tseng, Pin-fang、林呈潢、曾品方 article pdf(852)
2005 Finding theKth shortest path in a time-schedule network KWEI TANGKWEI TANGKWEI TANG article web page(1109)web page(1418)
2004-12 烏克蘭當團結善用歐美與俄國矛盾 MEI-LAN HUNG article
2003-02 網路犯罪與網路犯罪公約〈上〉 JERRY G. FONG article web page(1038)
2008-12 已購屋者及購屋搜尋者之購屋需求決策比較分析- 兼論顯示性偏好及敘述性偏好之差異 CHIN-OH CHANG article web page(1190)
2003 課程創新與教師的自我創化-系統演化的觀點 CHIH-YU CHANCHIH-YU CHAN article pdf(2876)
2000.12 選舉制度對婦女參政影響之評估 WAN-YING YANGWAN-YING YANG article web page(702)
2005-03 中亞能源競合與台俄能源科技交流 吳煌 article web page(896)
2006-12 A Study on Su Shun and the Policy of "Promotion of Han Officials" in Late Qing Dynasty 曾靖婷、Ting, Zeng-Jing article pdf(166)
2000-09 移動平均干擾項下的單根檢定量 Tsong, Ching-Chuan、Waung, Yie-Yuh、欉清全、汪義育 article web page(506)
2004-06 渴望「正常資本主義國家」的八天:分析五家日報2004年總統大選後的新聞 CHIEN-SAN FENG article pdf(867)
2006-10 第六屆亞歐會議的特色 SHAO-CHENG TANG article pdf(252)
2004-12 Scale and scope economies of international tourist hotels in Taiwan Weng, C.-C.、KUO-LIANG WANGKUO-LIANG WANG article pdf(789)
2002 公共工程預算執行之策略性績效衡量指標之研究--平衡計分卡之應用 劉正田、林維珩、袁玉珠、Liu, Jenten 、 Lin, Wei-heng 、 Yuan, Yuh-Ju article pdf(1047)
2007.05 學術期刊出版之非引文計量稽核與評鑑 JEONG-YEOU CHIUJEONG-YEOU CHIU article pdf(802)
2004-06 應用模糊眾數與模糊期望值於大學生多元學習生活調查分析 葉秋呈、BER-LIN WU、施耀振 article
2008-07 Relationships among coping, comorbidity and stress in patients having haemodialysis Huang, Chia-Hsiung、黃嘉雄 article web page(729)
2005-12 討論法融入大學統計教學之行動研究 CHIH-YU CHAN article pdf(325)
2008-10 網際網路公共領域角色的反思:以東海劈腿事件與鴻海打壓新聞自由事件為例 HUI-WEN LIU、Liu, Hui-Wen article pdf(962)