All Of Publications(Limit:Periodical Articles、2000-2009)

Showing 13376-13400 of 13479
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2003-06 老人觀眾與電視劇:從老人之定義到人格心理學對閱聽人研究的啟示 YEAN TSAIKUO-JEN TSANG article pdf(1124)
2008-03 以試題反應理論分析CES-D量表不同調查方式的差異效果 李仁豪、謝進昌、MIN-NING YU article pdf(1412)
2002-10 Convergence of the shifted QR algorithm for unitary Hessenberg matrices TAI-LIN WANGTAI-LIN WANG article
2003-01 行政助手與委外辦理國家賠償案例之研究 BAU-TSCHENG DUNG article web page(578)
2009 Do as the large enterprises do?: Expatriate selection and overseas performance in emerging markets: The case of Taiwan SMEs Cheng, F.H.、YEH-YUN LIN、Cheng, F.H.、YEH-YUN LIN article pdf(1155)
2005-01 臺北市中大型劇場定位研究--多元尺度分析 YUNG-CHIEN LOUYUNG-CHIEN LOU、 Tsai, Meng-Chun article pdf(688)
2004-09 論治理模式在政府與非營利組織互動中之應用 孫本初 article pdf(1888)
2005-03 從動機面探討晉級考試下學生的努力行為--採質化與系統動力學模擬之研究 許家銘 、 胡國強 article web page(480)
2004-07 大學評鑑的顯性與隱性功能--以社會科學為例 CHUNG-HWA KU article
2008-01 文化的可譯性與不可譯性 YAO-CHUEH JUAN article pdf(1837)
2000-07 多洛希亞之旅:廣告人VS.創造力 WEN-LING CHEN article web page(614)pdf(585)
2001-06 A Ratio Method for Old Age Mortality Projection Based on Incomplete Data: The Case in Taiwan CHING-SYANG YUE、胡玉蕙、張正鵬、CHING-SYANG YUE、 Hu, Yu-Whuei 、 Chang, Cheng-Peng article pdf(508)
2004.09 檔案應用研究之文獻探討 CHIAO-MIN LIN article pdf(677)
2004-07 China Threat?Economic Interdependence and China`s Use of Force 楊仕樂、Yang, Shih-Yueh article pdf(447)
2003-09 Author`s Response: Hitting the Intended Target Roy, Denny article pdf(473)
2006-12 An Empirical Study on the Solvency Prediction of Simulation Analysis, Scenario Analysis, and Risk-based Capital CHENG-HSIEN TSAI、宋瑞琳、Fang-Shu Chan article pdf(1493)
2001-12 韓語特殊助詞在教學上的幾個問題—以“eun / neun”為例韓語特殊助詞在教學上的幾個問題—以“은/는”為例 TIEN-FU TSENG article
2005.01 Differential expression of RARbeta isoforms in the mouse striatum during development: a gradient of RARbeta2 expression along the rostrocaudal axis. WEN-LIN LIAOWEN-LIN LIAO、Tsai,HC、Wu,CY、Liu,FC article pdf(1146)
2006-03 遺傳演算法建構台灣股市期貨買賣決策規則之研究 連立川、葉怡成、江宗原、楊豐銘、Lien, Li-Chuan、Yeh, I-Cheng、Yuan, Chiang-Thuang、Yang, Feng-Ming article pdf(489)
2004-07 An Empirical Study on the Effects of the Well-Phone Scandal on the Audit Clients 劉嘉雯、Liu, Chia-Wen article web page(446)
2007-03 運用認知衝突策略建構小數學習概念線上複習系統之研究 劉遠楨、黃思華、許琇雅 article web page(436)web page(408)
2004-03 The Development of Private (Mingban) Universities in the Chinese Mainland: Enviromental Factors and Organizational Features 閻鳳橋、Yan, Feng-Qiao article pdf(169)
2003-05 國際社會對於緬甸朝野對峙的困境與前景 金榮勇 article pdf(1114)
2006-07 融入式幽默訓練課程對中小學生創造思考與同儕關係之影響 YI-YING HUANG、張景媛、PING-YIN KUAN article
2008.11 “假託人物”與“呼應前作”:論歷代物色賦的“設辭問對”與“互文性” 祁立峰、Chi, Li-Feng article pdf(1019)