All Of Publications(Limit:Periodical Articles、2010-2019)

Showing 14601-14625 of 15395
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2010-06 Business groups` outward FDI: A managerial resources perspective DANCHI TAN、 Klaus E. Meyer、DANCHI TAN article pdf(1345)
2012-06 Scriptures, Numinous Charts and Transmission: A Study of Lingbao Scripture on the Twenty-four Charts SHU-WEI HSIEH article pdf(2072)
2018-12 Narrative engagement and vicarious interaction with multiple characters SHU-FANG LIN、Lin, Shu-Fang、Jones, Kaitlyn、Dale, Katherine R.、McDonald, Daniel G.、Collier, James G. article pdf(196)
2012.09 The Ethical Image in a Topological Perspective: the Poetics of Gaston Bachelard KUAN-MIN HUANGKUAN-MIN HUANG article pdf(1384)
2015-07 A Study of Factory Strikes in The Business Environment of Taiwanese Enterprise Operations in Mainland China 許淑幸、Hsu, Shu-Hsing article pdf(451)
2011-12 The Non-Droppability of Uninterpretable Features in Second Language Acquisition: on the Interpretation of Resumptive Pronouns in l2 Chinese 江丕賢、Kong, Stano article pdf(464)
2016-07 紀實、審美、控制:二十世紀八○年代中國大陸的電視批評及其文化意涵 常江、Chang, Jiang article pdf(465)
2010.05 Stimulated echo induced misestimates on diffusion tensor indices and its remedy SHANG-YUEH TSAISHANG-YUEH TSAISHANG-YUEH TSAI、Wu,Ming-Ting、Huang,Teng-Yi、SHANG-YUEH TSAI、 Chang, Hing-Chiu article pdf(1234)
2018-08 教學行為數據與翻轉教學 I-HUA CHANG、許正妹、吳權威、I-HUA CHANG article web page(198)
2013-11 清代沈初〈論詞絕句〉十八首探析 許瑞哲、Hsu, Jui-che article pdf(164)
2010.08 可登記財產利益的交易自由─從兩岸民事法制的觀點看物權法定原則鬆綁的界線 YUNG-CHIN SU article
2014-09 檔案展覽文集與圖錄 CHIAO-MIN LIN article web page(1203)
2011-12 集團企業內地主國知識之移轉路徑與管理機制 范慧宜、\n司徒達賢 article web page(928)
2015-02 越南對中國大陸南海「填礁造島」之認知與對策 黃宗鼎 article pdf(339)
2014-02 Mining Learning Social Networks for Cooperative Learning with Appropriate Learning Partners in a Problem-based Learning Environment CHIH-MING CHEN、Chang, Chia-Cheng、CHIH-MING CHEN article web page(1891)
2014-10 The Olympic Games from a historical, educational, and cultural perspective 陳東韋、Chen , Tung-Wei、李仁佐、Lee , Jen-Tso、謝旻凱、Hsieh, Min-Kai article pdf(438)
2014-10 Factors Influencing the Use of Mobile Financial Services: Evidence from Taiwan FENG-SHANG WUFENG-SHANG WUFENG-SHANG WU article pdf(534)
2011-06 本土語言政策發展與復振的網絡分析 黃建銘、Huang, Jian-Ming article pdf(449)
2011.06 台灣公私部門受僱者僱用方式和職場疲勞狀況的相關性 湯家碩、葉婉榆、MEI-CHUN LIU、蔡宗宏、徐儆暉、Tang, Chia-Shuo、Yeh, Wan-Yu、MEI-CHUN LIU、Tsai, Chung-Hung、Hsu, Jin-Huei article pdf(958)
2017-09 Семантико-стилистический анализ русских глаголов, выражающих передвижение человека: от cтандарта к субстандарту ALEKSANDR SAVCHENKO、Савченко, А.В.、Khmelevskiy, Mikhail S.、Savchenko, Alexandr article web page(453)
2011-04 Measurement invariance in mentoring research: A cross-cultural examination across Taiwan and the U.S. CHANG-YA HU、 Pellegrini, Ekin K. 、 Scandura, Terri A.、CHANG-YA HU、Ekin K. Pellegrini、Terri A. Scandura article pdf(1164)
2017-03 Facebook Posts as Complementary Teaching Material for a French University Course in Taiwan. BERNARD MONTONERIBERNARD MONTONERI article pdf(511)
2014.04 「日間住院」之理賠爭議  ──評臺灣高等法院花蓮分院一○二年度保險上易字第一號判決 KUAN-CHUN CHANG article web page(1047)
2011-08 Conceptual metaphors in gesture Kawai Chui article pdf(2106)
2015-07 工資債權給付、雇主義務與國家責任的確認與妥協----勞基法部分條文修正(2015/1/20立法院三讀)之政策解讀 LIANG-JUNG LIN article web page(301)