All Of Publications(Limit:Periodical Articles、2010-2019)

Showing 176-200 of 15427
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2011-03 Dose Heidegger Stand for a Theological Philosophy or a Philosophical Theology? In Comparison with Husserl`s and Arendt`s Position WEN-SHENG WANG、Wang, Wen-Shen article pdf(1048)
2010-09 休閒文化意義的現象學構成 WEN-SHENG WANG、Wang, Wen-Shen article
2010-02 精神分裂症病患與家庭成員面臨疾病遺傳不確定情境之生活經驗探討 陸雪芬、洪志成、WEN-SHENG WANG、許樹珍 article pdf(1050)
2012-02 Fa, Lei and Mohist Bian-Knowledge in Practice and Dao-Following 林從一、Lin, Chung-I article pdf(920)
2011 Xunzi as a Semantic Inferentialist: Zhengmin, Bian-Shuo and Dao-Li Lin, chung-I、林從一 article pdf(1622)
2010-07 再論孟、告辯「生之謂性」的邏輯推理問題 SHU-CHING HOSHU-CHING HO article pdf(1106)
2010-09 What Is the Right to Free Speech:A Thin Theory KUANG-MING CHENGKUANG-MING CHENG article pdf(1263)
2011-08 Once-and-for-all-ism Or All-or-none-ism? Langton and Green on Subordination and Silencing KUANG-MING CHENGKUANG-MING CHENG article pdf(1684)
2012-06 The Reasonable View vs. the Civil-rights View: Vadas`s Anti-pornography Argument KUANG-MING CHENGKUANG-MING CHENG article pdf(945)
2012-08 Who Should Be Responsible for the Subordination of Women? Vadas’s Feinbergian Analysis of Pornography KUANG-MING CHENGKUANG-MING CHENG article pdf(1467)
2010-06 韓非關於用與美的矛盾與合作關係 KANG CHAN article pdf(958)
2010-03 《莊子》調和派的道德挑戰與實踐哲學 KANG CHANKANG CHAN article pdf(480)
2011-08 The Problem of the Phenomenological Epoché: An Inquiry to the Starting Point for Husserl`s Transcendental Phenomenology LEE-CHUN LOLEE-CHUN LO article pdf(1236)
2011-07 時間意識和歷史性─胡塞爾現象學中的歷史觀點 LEE-CHUN LO article pdf(1211)
2011-03 上帝與時間:論奧古斯丁和胡塞爾的神學觀點 LEE-CHUN LO article pdf(1050)
2011-02 理性宗教的超驗建構問題──對胡塞爾之宗教思考的研究, LEE-CHUN LO article pdf(892)
2010-05 \"Theological Voluntarism\" and Contemporary Divine Command Theory YEUK-SIU LAUYEUK-SIU LAU article pdf(895)
2010-12 On Contemporary Divine Command Theorists` Response to the Anything Goes Objection YEUK-SIU LAU article pdf(1020)
2011-03 The Theory of Buddha-bodies in the Context of Soteriology-focusing on the Mahāyānasamgraha 耿晴、Keng, Ching article pdf(940)
2011-12 Do gestures compensate for the omission of motion expression in speech? Chui, Kawai、KA-WAI CHUI article pdf(1461)
2010-11 詞語的啟示與傳統-論哈曼對於康德先驗哲學的語文學後設批判 YUAN-TSE LIN article pdf(1333)
2010-12 語言哲學的不同聲音-論洪堡特語言觀的世界開顯性與理性對話性 YUAN-TSE LIN article pdf(899)
2010-08 Why Don`t We Do What We Should?——On Virtue Education and its Foundations in Judgments of Responsibility of Authenticity and Solidarity YUAN-TSE LINYUAN-TSE LIN article
2011-06 Tang Chun-I on Affective Communion and Spiritual Realm: A Guiding Clue for Topology KUAN-MIN HUANGKUAN-MIN HUANG article pdf(888)
2011-01 主體之位──唐君毅與列維納斯的倫理學思考 KUAN-MIN HUANGKUAN-MIN HUANG article web page(1262)