All Of Publications(Limit:Periodical Articles、2010-2019)

Showing 201-225 of 15387
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2010-12 The Fissure of Subjectivity: Imagination in Early Foucault KUAN-MIN HUANGKUAN-MIN HUANG article pdf(1052)
2010-06 Vitality: Imagination and the Place of Nature KUAN-MIN HUANGKUAN-MIN HUANG article pdf(911)
2010-03 台灣宗教研究的範疇建立與前景發展 YEN-ZEN TSAI article pdf(1142)
2012-03 文學藝術是中華民國的精神史 FANG-MING CHEN article pdf(1051)
2010-03 國內宗教系所的教學與研究趨勢分析 YUAN-LIN TSAI article pdf(1077)
2011-06 From Agnihotra to Homa: The Transformation of Fire Sacrifice in East Asian Esoteric Buddhism PO-CHI HUANGPO-CHI HUANG article pdf(927)
2010-09 Marine Perils and Rescue in Early Japanese Colonial Taiwan PAO-TSUM TAI article pdf(943)
2011-07 看見‧台灣‧公共‧藝術 BEN-KUAN YU article pdf(811)
2011-12 Production of Space and Space of Production: High Tech Industrial Parks in Beijing and Shanghai JENN-HWAN WANGJENN-HWAN WANGTSE-KANG LENGTSE-KANG LENG article pdf(1552)
2012-04 從歷史文獻關鍵字來看--清末民初百年間中國能源觀念演進初探 LI-FANG CHOU、姚育松、CHAO-LIN LIU article pdf(966)
2011-12 Some chances and challenges in applying language technologies to historical studies in Chinese Liu, Chao-Lin、Jin, Guantao、Liu, Qingfeng、Chiu, Wei-Yun、Yu, Yih-Soong、CHAO-LIN LIU article pdf(1141)
2011-06 Visually and phonologically similar characters in incorrect Chinese words: Analyses, identification, and applications Liu, Chao-Lin、Lai, Min-Hua、Chuang, Yi-Hsuan、JIE-LI TSAICHAO-LIN LIU article pdf(1247)
2010-09 Using Linguistic Features to Predict Readability of Short Essays for Senior High School Students in Taiwan Kuo, Wei-Ti 、 Huang, Chao-Shainn 、Liu, Chao-Lin article pdf(710)
2010-03 Applications of NLP techniques to computer-assisted authoring of test items for elementary Chinese Lin, Chao-Lin、Wang Yu-Chun、Lin, Jen-Hsiang article pdf(1247)
2010-03 敦煌本《前漢劉家太子傳》考論 MING-CHANG YANG article pdf(985)
2011-03 A Study in Marriage Ceremonies and the Applications of Poems Depicted in Dunhuang Manuscripts MING-CHANG YANGMING-CHANG YANG article pdf(904)
2012-07-15 Facebook 效應對中小學校長推動品牌領導之啟示 陳木金;尹潔茹 article pdf(2715)
2011-02 The development of mobile broadcasting TV: A socio-technical comparison of Singapore and Taiwan YU-LI LIUYU-LI LIUYU-LI LIU article pdf(1713)
2012-06 Mobile Tour Planning Using Landmark Photo Matching and Intelligent Character Recognition Huang, Cheng-Ming 、WEN-HUNG LIAOSHENG-CHIH CHEN、黃政明、WEN-HUNG LIAOSHENG-CHIH CHEN article web page(1767)
2012-03 When Students Image: Factors and Their Correlation on Imagination Stimulation of Digital Media Design Students SHENG-CHIH CHEN、許明潔、張文山、梁朝棟、SHENG-CHIH CHEN、Hsu, Ming-Chieh、Chang, Wen-Shan、Liang, Chao-Tung article pdf(1340)
2011-12 The Psychological Factors of Imagination Stimulation for the Students in the Field of Digital Design 許育齡、SHENG-CHIH CHEN、許明潔 article pdf(1327)
2011-03 精緻與精確虛擬三維模型之數位化建置 SHIH-YUAN LINSHENG-CHIH CHEN article pdf(63)
2010 Going beyond a dualistic view of culture and economic power: the case of reality television in Greater China GEORGETTE WANGGEORGETTE WANG article pdf(1213)
2010-06 The Asian communication debate: culture-specificity, culture-generality, and beyond GEORGETTE WANG、 Kuo, Eddie C.Y.、GEORGETTE WANG article pdf(1562)
2010-02 What collective? Collectivism and relationalism from a Chinese perspective GEORGETTE WANG、Liu, Zhong-Bo、GEORGETTE WANG article pdf(1580)