All Of Publications(Limit:Department of Chinese Literature)

Showing 4601-4625 of 5036
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2022-06 文字電光(二):從《紳士怪盜亞森羅蘋》(Arsène Lupin gentleman cambrioleur)到「羅蘋」(Lupin)〉 SHUO-WIN CHEN other web page(136)
2022.02 文學獎系列(一):將愛進行到底──讀《我的丈夫》(Mon mari)〉 SHUO-WIN CHEN other web page(151)
2022-04 文學獎系列(二):身非木石──讀《適應》(S’adapter)〉 SHUO-WIN CHEN other web page(140)
2021-10 真實的虛構,虛構的真實(一):《兩廂情願》(Le consentement) SHUO-WIN CHEN other web page(127)
2021-12 真實的虛構?虛構的真實?(二):讀《不歸路之門》〉 SHUO-WIN CHEN other web page(101)
2021-10 淺談2021法國文學回歸季 SHUO-WIN CHEN other web page(117)
2021-12 舊書新譯(一):保爾.穆杭(Paul Morand)《溫柔的存儲》(Tendres stocks) SHUO-WIN CHEN other web page(126)
2022-01 舊書新譯(二):凡爾納(Jules Verne)的東亞歷險記 SHUO-WIN CHEN other web page(131)
2022 A Study on the Writing of Order Construction in the Middle and Late T`ang Dynasty CHIH-HAO WANG、Wang, Chih-Hao thesis pdf(117)
2022 Sun-Líng`s patriotism and his literary-practice 李佳陵、CHIA-LIN LEE thesis pdf(115)
2022 A Lexical Analysis of the Ghost in Chinese 蘇冠綾、Su, Guan-Ling thesis pdf(146)
2021-12 The Legacy of Performance of Taiwanese Gezixi in Singapore in the 1960s HSIN-HSIN TSAIHSIN-HSIN TSAI article web page(189)
2022-06 Secularism in Monastic Life: Implicit Acceptance of Secularism in The Biographies of Eminent Monks YEN-CHIU TU、YEN-CHIU TU article web page(128)
2022-08 中國當代言情小說發展概況、中國當代言情小說主要作家作品 WAN-JU WANG book/chapter web page(32)
2022-09 試論《史記 ・ 殷本紀》所載湯伐桀之戰的取材與書寫問題 YU-AN KU conference web page(165)
2022-07 何定生著作集一:詩經、孔學及其他 HSING-CHIEN CHE book web page(90)
2022-09 何定生著作集二:尚書與文法 HSING-CHIEN CHE book web page(95)
2020-07 上窮碧落下黃泉——翱翔在道教與文學的世界 CHEN-HUNG KAO book/chapter web page(120)
2020-01 朝封、道封與民封——從三個例子談封敕對神祇信仰的形塑與影響 CHEN-HUNG KAO book/chapter
2021-12 道教月孛法研究:道經和通俗文學的綜合考察 CHEN-HUNG KAO book/chapter web page(17)
2022-04 蕉風、采風、食風:論馬來亞獨立前夕物體系統與國家認同的重構 KOK-HWA NG book/chapter web page(93)
2019-05 蕉風、采風、食風:論馬來亞獨立前夕物體系統與國家認同的重構 KOK-HWA NG book/chapter web page(78)
2022-09 王充的鬼神信仰論 WEN-SHIN JENG conference web page(131)
2023 New interpretation of the upsurge of Yue Fu Bu Ti in the Qing dynasty 鄭道名、Cheng, To-Ming thesis pdf(104)
2023 Voice,viewing and Self-examination in Precious Mirro of Boy Actresses(Pinhua Baojian) 陳以庭、Chen, Yi-Ting thesis pdf(127)