All Of Publications(Limit:College of Communication、1990-1999)

Showing 351-375 of 1259
日期 題名 Author Type Full Text(downloads)
1994-01 認同形成、家庭溝通型態以及青少年媒介使用:一個整合模式 郭貞 article pdf(1266)
1994-07 民意理論中的「死硬派」之研究-以「興建核四廠」議題為例 孫秀蕙 article pdf(1311)
1999 Consumer Styles and Media Uses of the Generation Xers in Taiwan Kuo, Cheng郭貞 article pdf(1376)
1995-07 性別政治?─從民國八十二年台灣地區縣、市長選舉看性別、傳播與政治行為 翁秀琪、孫秀蕙 article pdf(939)
1995-08 Effects of gender schematic processing on the reception of political commercials for men and women candidates Hitchon, Jacqueline C.Chang, Chingching張卿卿 article pdf(1348)
1997 Mass madia impact on voter response to women candidates: Theoeetical development 張卿卿 article
1996-07 社刊與企業文化 臧國仁 article
1999 台灣媒體工作者階級意識之初探(1988-1997) 馮建三 conference
1997 從選舉制度與電視制度看電視競選廣告之規範 蘇蘅、金溥聰、須文蔚、朱靜女、黃昭蓉 conference pdf(2768)
1996-07 Individual Organizational and Societal Constraints on Media Professionalism: A Comparative Study of Journalists in the U.S. China and Taiwan Zhu, Jian-hua、Lo, Ven-hwei、 David Weaver、 Chongchan Chen、羅文輝 conference
1997-11 Exposure of Taiwan Adolescents to Pornographic Media and Impact on Sexual Attitudes and Behavior 羅文輝、Neilan E.、Sun M. P.、Chiang S. I. conference
1997-06 資訊科技對人文、社會的衝擊與影響 謝清俊、謝瀛春、尹建中、張一蕃、瞿海源、李英明、羅曉南 report
1992-07 傳播:西方馬克思主義的盲點 馮建三譯、Smythe, Dallas原著 conference
1990-05 Indigenizing Foreign Culture:The Case of Taiwan 臧國仁汪琪 conference
1998-05 Police-Media Interaction 彭芸 conference
1996 Regional TV and Cultural Proximity 彭芸 conference
1998-09 Reflections on Guanxi in the Studies of Local Political Economy 方孝謙 conference
1997 AIDS in Northern Taiwain: Knowledge , Attitudes and Media Use 徐美苓、黃淑貞 conference
1996-08 Separating Implicit and Explicit Advertising Memory:The Process of Dissociation Procedure 劉少康、臧國仁蔡琰 conference
1993-08 News Frames Reconsidered:What does Frame do to Reality 鍾蔚文臧國仁 conference
1997-01 科技組織新聞發佈效果評估之個案研究:工研院公關新聞稿與見報新聞之比較分析 崔家蓉、謝瀛春 conference
1992-08 Journalism Education in the Global Village:The Taiwan Case 臧國仁 conference
1992-08 Scholarly Communication Activities between the United States and Chinese Communities:Collaboration and Opportunities 臧國仁 conference
1992-08 A Theory of Social Propinquity:A General System Approach to International News Research 臧國仁 conference
1996 The Interplay between Affective States in News Processing: An Examination of the Warmer Side of Audience Activities 徐美苓 conference