All Of Publications(Limit:College of Communication、2000-2009)

Showing 1551-1575 of 2632
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2001.09 台灣ADSL寬頻網路使用行為 CHING-HO CHEN conference
2001.06 台灣Cable Modem寬頻網路使用行為 CHING-HO CHEN conference
2003-04 自尊、第三人效果與支持限制媒介 VEN-HWEI LO、牛隆光 article pdf(701)
2002 台灣設計教育思潮與演進 CHIEN-TU LAI book/chapter pdf(1542)
2003 美術攝影論思 BEN-KUAN YU book/chapter pdf(2093)
2002 臺灣新郎 : 「編導式攝影」中的記錄思維 BEN-KUAN YU book/chapter pdf(1274)
2001 真假之間 : 游本寬閱讀臺灣影像系列 BEN-KUAN YU book/chapter pdf(907)
2001 愛滋病與媒體 MEI-LING HSU book/chapter pdf(1232)
2001 從善書到小說的敘事分析,1895-1945 SHIAW-CHIAN FONG book/chapter pdf(956)
2001 媒介流行文化之批評與省思 KA-FAT PANG book/chapter pdf(848)
2002 競爭時代的報紙 : 理論與實務 HERNG SU book/chapter pdf(1407)
2006 新聞公害的批判基礎 : 以涂醒哲舔耳冤案新聞為主例 YUAN-HUEI LIN book/chapter pdf(987)
2006 結構一條人尋找自己的創意途徑 WEN-LING CHEN book/chapter pdf(991)
2004 閱聽人與媒體文化 WEI-WEI HUANG book/chapter
2005-06 創新的文字障 WEI-WEN CHUNG article
2007-03 A study of Journalists` Perception of Candidates` Websites and Their Relationships with the Campaign Organization in Taiwan`s 2004 Presidential Election YI-NING CHEN article pdf(1365)
2002-06 候選人負面新聞框架對政治憤世嫉俗感與政治責任歸因的影響 YI-NING CHEN article pdf(824)
2006 食品廣告標示詞句認定表修訂計畫 TZU-LEONG CHENG、莊伯仲 report
2002-01 競選新聞框架與競選廣告訴求之使用及其對選民政治效能感與信賴感的影響─以一九九八年台北市市長選舉為例 CHING-CHING CHANG article
2006-01 網路的功與過:網路使用與政治參與及社會資產關係的探討 CHING-CHING CHANG article pdf(984)
2006 See the small picture: The importance of culture versus self in determining advertising effectiveness CHING-CHING CHANG article
2006-03 Beating the news blues: Mood repair through exposure to advertising CHING-CHING CHANGCHING-CHING CHANG article pdf(1448)
2008 Increasing mental health literacy via narrative advertising CHING-CHING CHANGCHING-CHING CHANG article pdf(1381)
2005-01 Personal Values, Advertising, and Smoking Motivation in Taiwanese Adolescents CHING-CHING CHANGCHING-CHING CHANG article pdf(1468)
2006-01 Changing smoking attitudes by strengthening weak anti-smoking beliefs-Taiwan as an example CHING-CHING CHANGCHING-CHING CHANG article pdf(1728)