All Of Publications(Limit:College of Communication)

Showing 7326-7350 of 8638
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
1985-10 變遷中的國際資訊新秩序:兼論資訊科技與國家發展 BONNIE PENG article pdf(627)
2019 The study on the Global Allocation of Korean Cultural Creative Industry 王汝聰、Wang, Ju-Tsung thesis pdf(1570)
1975-09 重大事件消息來源流傳及其反應研究 趙嬰 article pdf(1029)
2010 A study on blog sponsorship 黃國蓉 thesis pdf(808)
1980 我國報紙議題設定工能之研究──以六十九年增額中央民意代表選舉為例 徐惠玲、Xu, Hui-Ling thesis web page(326)
2000 White Memory -- The White Terror in Taiwan in the 1950s: Preservation, Rise, and Reconstruction of Collective Memory 葉怡君 thesis web page(374)
2009.04 Homeland re-territorialized: revisiting the role of geographical places in the formation of diasporic identity in the digital age TING-YU KANG、Kang, Tingyu article pdf(1382)
2020-05 How Morality Judgments Influence Humor Perceptions of Prankvertising CHING-CHING CHANGCHING-CHING CHANG article pdf(370)
2000 The Effectiveness of Infomercial:An Exploration of Viewers` Existing Attitudes、Advertising Involvement and Argument Quality 施淑芳、Shih, Shu-Fang thesis web page(479)
1992 Media Use, Involvement, and Knowledge of the Gulf War Lo, Ven-hwei、VEN-HWEI LO article
1998 大陸新聞改革中的報業經營改革 潘家慶 conference pdf(707)
2019-07 Emergence, Spread and Influence of “Fake News” in the Age of Social Media YU-CHUNG CHENG、Cheng, Yu-Chung、KUNG CHEN report web page(308)
1976 新中國建設方案 = Plans for the Construction of New China 劉振東 book/chapter web page(466)
2017 Motivations, consumption emotions, and temporal orientations in social media use: A strategic approach to engaging stakeholders across platforms JHIH-SYUAN LINJHIH-SYUAN LIN、Lin, Jhih-Syuan (Elaine)、Gilbreath, Bob、Lee, Yen-I article web page(581)
2009-10 電視購物畫面文字訊息置入效果之研究 CHIEN-TU LAI、黎佩芬 conference
2009-07 器物與時間:美術編輯如何因應瞬間鉅量? PAI-LIN CHEN conference
2011-06 Research on Aging Communication: A 10-Year Review YEAN TSAIKUO-JEN TSANGYEAN TSAI、Tsang, Kuo-Jen article pdf(1308)
2004 碩士班-新聞所 93年 新聞所 exam pdf(240)
2001 網路色情資訊對青少年性態度與性行為的影響 VEN-HWEI LO article
2019 Regulatory Restrictions on Merger and Acquisition of Cable System Operators and News Broadcasting Companies Revisited CHIA-LIN LEE、Lee, Jia-Lin thesis pdf(488)
2022-08 數位時代創新傳播 WEI-WEI HUANG book web page(265)
2001 轉學考-新聞系 90年 新聞系 exam pdf(144)
2024 Counter-Migrating of Basketball Stars in Globalization Era: Economic and Cultural Influences of Dwight Howard and Jeremy Lin on Taiwanese Professional Basketball 李采臻、Lee, Tsai-Chen thesis pdf(0)
2021-06 Conclusion SUMEI WANG、Wang,  Sumei book/chapter web page(235)web page(314)
2005 新聞人員的電腦採用與使用行為研究-1994與2004年的比較 PAO-FANG CHANG conference