All Of Publications(Limit:College of Communication)

Showing 7851-7875 of 8595
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
1986-04 美國廣播電視公司 李瞻 report pdf(0)
2019 Research on Vlog audience of BiliBili website by Uses and Gratifications Theory 金壘、LEI, JIN thesis pdf(1)
2005 台灣選民媒介使用與政治知識之關聯性-1995-2004年的長期趨勢分析 張硯筑 thesis pdf(789)pdf(868)pdf(885)pdf(977)pdf(1176)pdf(995)pdf(989)pdf(1093)pdf(1247)pdf(955)
1979-10 談社會科學「研究方法」教學的問題 陳世敏 article
2023 Investigating Time Management in the Age of Mobile Phones: A Perspective of Activity Theory and Affordance 林鈺穎、Lin, Yu-Ying thesis pdf(183)
2016 Co-construction of Social Media Interpersonal Surveillance and Resistance in Facebook 蔡依桃、Chuah, Thoo thesis pdf(794)
2004-06 渴望「正常資本主義國家」的八天:分析五家日報2004年總統大選後的新聞 CHIEN-SAN FENG article pdf(897)
2000 When to stop following the masters: Communication Research in Taiwan VEN-HWEI LO、 Wang.G conference
2001-12 數位化時代無線電視之定位與發展 石世豪 report pdf(2053)
2003-05 Toward a Cross-Cultural Theoretical Framework of Organization-Public Relations and Boundaries 黃懿慧、Huang, Yi-Hui conference pdf(994)
1998-06 都會家庭多頻道電視使用、家庭休閒、家庭人際關係之研究 MINE-PING SUNMINE-PING SUN conference pdf(521)
2007 電視新聞字幕對閱聽人處理新聞資訊的影響 呂愛麗 thesis pdf(1032)pdf(900)pdf(1021)pdf(1019)pdf(1166)pdf(2299)pdf(1392)pdf(950)pdf(1018)pdf(1172)pdf(1521)
2009-11 遊行敘事與集體記憶:大溪與夢想社區的比較 SHIAW-CHIAN FONG conference
2019 How Media in Taiwan Report on Suicide and the Relatives - A Case Study of Lin Yi-Han 伍先恩、Wu, Hsian-En thesis pdf(0)
2015 Language Choice in Advertising for Multinational Corporations and Local Firms: A Reinquiry Focusing on Monolinguals YING-CHING LIN、Wang, Kai-Yu、YING-CHING LIN article pdf(750)
1993 大眾傳播與日常生活 HERNG SU、Davis, D.K、HERNG SU、Davis, D. K book/chapter web page(679)
2016-06 New materialism: The implications of media archaeology on contemporary media studies 張惠嵐 conference pdf(217)
2017-05 The influence of media multitasking on the impulse to buy: A moderated mediation model YUHMIIN CHANGYUHMIIN CHANG article pdf(423)
2019 碩士班-國際傳播英語碩士學位學程(IMICS)108年 國際傳播英語碩士學位學程(IMICS) exam pdf(74)
2019 Writer’s Notes on the TV Series Scripts “The runaway women” 王慈華、Wang, Tzu-Hua thesis pdf(0)
1996-02 南臺灣環保抗爭的組織與意理分析 SHIAW-CHIAN FONG article pdf(2078)
2021-11 一起玩音樂,關於合作的社會學:以拍謝少年、台灣絃樂團為例 CHUN MING HUANG conference web page(209)
2021-08 Media multitasking and mood management: The positive and negative mediation effects of entertainment and flow on mood repair YUHMIIN CHANGYUHMIIN CHANG conference web page(316)
2005-04 網路採用、使用與獲得之滿足 VEN-HWEI LO、李郁青、YING-TING SHIH、楊秀娟 article pdf(1493)
2022-01 社交媒體之數據、演算法與隱私 YU-CHUNG CHENG、Cheng, Yu-Chung book/chapter web page(289)