All Of Publications(Limit:College of Communication)

Showing 8001-8025 of 8595
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2000 想像《想像的共同體》—以《民報》社論為分析場域 邱承君 thesis web page(280)
2018-11 Narrative engagement and vicarious interaction with multiple characters SHU-FANG LIN、Lin, Shu-Fang、Dale, Katherine R.、McDonald, Daniel G.、Collier, James G.、Jones, Kaitlyn article pdf(306)
2011-01 Brand Revitalization and Non-target Market Effect: When the West Meets the East YUHMIIN CHANGYUHMIIN CHANG article pdf(876)
1983-09 從「辯論門」看雷根的競選連任:兼談選舉道德與新聞道德 BONNIE PENG article pdf(869)
1996-04 競選文宣新媒介--臺灣政治性資訊網路現況研究(1995) TZU-LEONG CHENG article
2008 A study of the production of tribal television stations by interculture communication -Taiwan Indigenous Television 李賢華、Lee, Shien Hua thesis
2022 The Effect of Using Cued Hashtags in Posts of Different Levels of Difficulty on Readers’ Cognitive Load, Attention, and Memory 黃偉健、Wong, Wai-Kin thesis pdf(0)
2022-08 Mediating democracy: the generations of soft authoritarianism and democratic consolidation in Taiwan SSU-HAN YU、Yu, Ssu-Han other web page(200)
2006 科學傳播內容素材資料庫建置(I) SHANG-REN KWANGEE-CHIN HOU report pdf(757)
1994-12 電視教育功能之初探 CHING-HO CHEN conference
2022 A Research on the investment model to brand commitment and behavior intention in News App user : An Example from “Business Weekly Plus” and “Common Wealth Magazine” 洪啟維、Hung, Chi-Wei thesis pdf(131)
2023 Agents’ Mutuality Behavior and Human Trust in Human-Agent Interaction 林庭羽、Lin, Ting-Yu thesis pdf(127)
2014 The Effects of Message Framing on Japanese Attitudes toward Homosexuality, Same-sex Marriage and Civil Unions 三浦百合子、Miura, Yuriko thesis pdf(297)
1996 閱聽人對電視廣告隱喻理解之研究 王昭敏、Wang, Zhao-Min thesis web page(320)
1994-07 [評焦雄屏著]改變歷史的五年 FEI-I LU article pdf(1520)
2017-10 Modeling resource network relationships between response organizations and affected neighborhoods after a technological disaster YU-CHUNG CHENG、C.-H., Lai、Tao, C.-C.、Cheng, Yu-Chung article pdf(489)
1992 成人批判思考與電視新聞觀看行為之關聯性研究 吳翠珍、VEN-HWEI LO report
2008-04 傳播科技與文明 HSIAOMEI WU、Wu, Hsiao-Mei book/chapter web page(1160)
2020 A Rhetorical Analysis of “Today`s Hong Kong, tomorrow`s Taiwan” – A Case Study of “Anti-Extradition Law Amendment Bill Movement” 黃嘉慧、Wong, Ka-Wai thesis pdf(25)
2022 Framing Analysis of Social Media Editors’ Clickbaits on Reporting the Importation of Ractopamine-Containing USA Pork 姜筑、Chiang, Chu thesis pdf(90)
1994 The Research of the Underground Station 陳美華、Chen, May Hwa thesis web page(352)
2006-05 從「入境隨俗」到「賓至如歸」:再看多元化主義 WEI-WEI HUANG article pdf(2357)
2016-06 The Context Construction Of News Interview Of TV Political Interview Programs:A Semiotic Perspective 莊崇暉、Chuang, Chung Hui conference pdf(290)
1992 台灣地區方言族群傳播權之研究 HERNG SU conference
2003 廣告說服中情感與認知的互動效果(1/2) CHING-CHING CHANG report pdf(2440)