All Of Publications(Limit:Graduate Institute of Library, Information and Archival Studies、2000-2009)

Showing 401-425 of 544
日期 題名 Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2000-12 評《網路時代科技文獻之研究》 薛理桂 article
2000-04 檔案法通過後我國檔案事業建構芻議 薛理桂 article
2000-02 美國總統圖書館之發展與功能 薛理桂Hsueh,Li-Kuei article pdf(616)
2000-01 中文檔案描述規則之擬訂 - 基於國際檔案描述標準(ISAD(G)) 薛理桂 article
2008-09 The Development of Archival Describing Contents Standard: Based on DACS as Core Discussion Topics 薛理桂、王麗蕉、Hsueh, Li-Kuei、Wang, Li-Chiao article pdf(1279)
2008-05 The Establishment of Archival Series Level and Standard Series Number in Taiwan’s Government Institutions 薛理桂、王麗蕉、高君琳、Hsueh, Li-Kuei 、 Wang, Li-Chiao、 Kao, Chun-Lin article pdf(1189)
2007-11 Promotion of Archives Literacy to the Public : Archives Week/Month and Archives Awareness Month Held in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom 薛理桂Hsueh, Li-Kuei article pdf(1193)
2008-10 An Analysis and Comparison of Scientometric Data between Journals of Physics, Chemistry and Engineering Tsay, Ming-Yueh蔡明月 article pdf(1791)
2006-12 Journal Self-Citation Study for Semiconductor Literature: Synchronous and Diachronous Approach Tsay, Ming-Yueh蔡明月 article pdf(1284)
2008-12 Journal Bibliometric Analysis: A Case Study on the JASIST Tsay, Ming-Yueh蔡明月 article pdf(1309)
2008 Subject Change between Citing and Cited Literature on Digital Libraries Tsay, Ming-Yueh蔡明月 article pdf(1508)
2008-10 An Intelligent News Search Engine with Topic Map User Interface Based on Automatic Query Expansion 陳志銘、張美華、邱偉嘉、Chen, Chih-Ming、Chang, Mei-Hua、Chiu, Wei-Chia article pdf(1308)
2008-09 Personalized Mobile English Vocabulary Learning System Based on Item Response Theory and Learning Memory Cycle, Chen, Chih-Ming、Chung, Ching-Ju、陳志銘 article pdf(1395)
2008-11 從美國觀點閱讀各種主題好書─評《書癡指南Booklust》 王梅玲、Wang, Mei-Ling article
2008-09 Intelligent Web-based Learning System with Personalized Learning Path Guidance Chen, Chih-Ming 、 Lee, Hahn-Ming 、 Chang, Yu-Jung、陳志銘 article pdf(2534)
2008-07 Personalized Intelligent M-learning System for Supporting Effective English Learning Chen, Chih-Ming Hsu, Shih-Hsun、陳志銘 article pdf(1462)
2007-11 Learning Performance Assessment Approach Using Web-based Learning Portfolios for E-learning Systems, 陳志銘、Chen, Chih-Ming article
2006-01 以自律學習機制支援個人化網路學習系統之學習成效研究 陳志銘、黃鼎鈞、Chen, Chih-Ming conference
2006-01 以無線網路定位技術支援學習情境偵測之智慧型行動英語字彙學習系統 陳志銘、李宜倫、陳明娟、Chen, Chih-Ming conference
2006-01 以嵌入式系統晶片實現可攜式整合型生理資訊監測系統 洪欽銘、陳志銘、黃加孟、陳建仁、Chen, Chih-Ming conference
2006-01 利用Google分類新聞語料之多文件摘要自動擷取方法 洪欽銘、陳志銘、陳信嘉、Chen, Chih-Ming conference
2006-01 以文字探勘技術判別影響證券交易市場個股漲跌之新聞事件 洪欽銘、陳志銘、黃培倫、Chen, Chih-Ming conference
2009 The Study of the Game-based Interactive Learning with Augmented Reality that Enhances Elementary School Library User Education 蔡雁農、Tsai, Yen-Nung thesis pdf(793)
2009 Application for koha integrated library systems in Taiwan 張琇婷、Chang, Hsiu Ting thesis pdf(1453)
2009 The study of building web-based learning community based on digital library with support of knowledge construction tool 林憶珊、Lin, Yi Shan thesis pdf(591)