All Of Publications(Limit:College of Foreign Languages and Literature)

Showing 6326-6350 of 6880
日期 題名 Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2008.12 三國衍義:漢字、翻譯、與跨文化 張上冠 conference
2008.06 歐盟高峰會議通過「里斯本條約」之背景與意涵 張台麟Chang, Tai-Lin book/chapter 說明頁(962)
2017-12 余光中推廣翻譯當志業 堅持 「沒倒下、不會停下」 吳敏華 article 說明頁(388)pdf(209)
1996-03 主體、女性書寫與陰性書寫--七、八十年代女詩人的作品 胡錦媛 book/chapter 說明頁(841)
2015-01 Clausal‐packaging of path of motion in Mandarin learners` acquisition of Russian and Spanish 葉相林Yeh, Hsiang-lin、Сянлинь, Е、Chui, Kawai *、Lan, Wen-Chun、Cheng, Yu-Han article
2018-01 大學的英語學分學程—台灣各校概況整理與政治大學個案之歷史回顧 黃淑真Huang, Shu-Chen林翰儀 article pdf(221)
2020 混亂與秩序:《聖經》 ; 《神譜》 ; 與《變形記》中的世界觀 林質心Lin, Chih-hsin book/chapter 說明頁(266)
2018-10 An overview of linguistic mechanisms introducing a Christian conceptual universe into the Bunun language 戴智偉、De Busser, Rik article pdf(320)
2018 Об автопортрете А.И. Солженицына и образе Тайваня в мемуарах «Угодило зернышко промеж двух жерновов: Очерк изгнания» и речи «Свободному Китаю» 賴盈銓Lai, Ying-Chuan conference
1995 Ideological Practice in News Production: Comparing Taiwan Newspaper`s Reports on the Provincial Governor`s Inauguration 尤雪瑛 conference
2002-06 俄語動物詞彙之性的範疇與轉義用法 茅慧青 article pdf(1320)
2003 台閩語歇後語:認知語意學之分析 陳宜伶、Chen , Yi-ling thesis 說明頁(999)
1996-02 沉默是金--停頓學[Pausology]介紹 楊懿麗 article
2017 The use of causal relations in narrations and expositions: a case study of Taiwan senior high school textbooks and high performance students` compositions 林侑萱、Lin, Yu Hsuan thesis pdf(59)
2006-08 「全國學習基準」的3C:文化(Cultures)、連結(Connections)、交流(Communities)—關於台灣的日語教育現況 于乃明 conference
2010.03 Born(e) Free: The Ten Commandments in Translation Cross-Cultural Studies 張上冠Chang, Christopher Shang-kuan article pdf(1047)
2020-12 Новые данные о В. П. Петрове как авторе «Слова о полку Игореве» (кровать у В. И. Майкова и в «Слове...») 捷米多夫、Демидов, Д.Г.、Demidov, Demidov D.G. article 說明頁(204)
2007-03 ‘-ㄹ/을수있다’ ‘-아/어도되다’與中文‘可以’的翻譯問題 郭秋雯 conference
2023-02 諺文燕行錄所見對越南的認知—以諺文、漢文燕行錄的對比研究為中心 林侑毅 conference
2014-09 讓老闆、同事都看重你的「最強辦公室說話術」 林侑毅(譯者)、Lin, Yu-yi book
2001-07 Embodied Rationalism: A Critique of Embodied Cognitive Science 藍亭 article
1994 Discourse Functions of Lang in Spoken Taiwanese 劉淑茹、Liu, Shu Ru thesis 說明頁(454)
2022-06 The economically rich refugees: A case study of the business operations of Istanbul-based Syrian refugee businesspeople 張景安、Chang, Ching-An article pdf(261)
2001 The Internet Learning Forum: Developing a community prototype for teachers of the 21st century 招靜琪Chao, Chin-chi article pdf(1168)
1998 Lexijet: Quick English-Chinese Reference One-Soon Her book/chapter