All Of Publications(Limit:College of Foreign Languages and Literature)

Showing 76-100 of 7062
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
1999 熟語的分類及語法表現 ONE-SOON HER report pdf(1672)
2001 伊斯蘭主義與現代性:馬來世界之現代伊斯蘭思潮 林長寬 report pdf(2830)
2003 馬來西亞「伊斯蘭黨」(PAS)原教旨主義運動之研究 林長寬 report pdf(4579)
2001 中韓文漢字成語之比較 CHIU-WEN KUO report pdf(2003)
1999 日據時期臺灣與韓國小說之比較研究 TIEN-FU TSENG report pdf(1582)
2005-08 能力或成就導向的因果論: 跨文化的索證 CHENG-FANG TSUI report pdf(2074)
2004 大學生英語學習與批判思考能力之相關研究:問題初探 CHENG-FANG TSUI report pdf(2465)
1995-02 Chinese segmentation problem ONE-SOON HER article pdf(2453)
1985 To dispense with OV word order in Modern Mandarin ONE-SOON HERONE-SOON HER article pdf(1849)
1989-10 An LFG account for Chinese BEI sentences ONE-SOON HERONE-SOON HER article pdf(1947)
2009 Apparent Subject-object inversion in Chinese ONE-SOON HER article pdf(3700)
2007 Ten Characters in Search of a Group: A Sketch of Bloomsbury ONE-SOON HER article pdf(1507)
2007-01 Corpus and the nature of grammar revisited ONE-SOON HERI-PING WAN article pdf(2651)
2007-01 Argument-function mismatches in Mandarin Chinese: A lexical mapping account ONE-SOON HER article pdf(2662)
2007 Between Globalization and Indigenization: On Taiwan`s Pinyin Issue from the Perspectives of the New Economy ONE-SOON HER article pdf(4092)
2006-08 Justifying Part-of-speech Assignments for Mandarin Gei ONE-SOON HERONE-SOON HER article pdf(4434)
2005-12 「全球化」與「在地化」:從新經濟的角度看台灣的拼音問題 ONE-SOON HER article pdf(1295)
2005-03 `Driving` towards simplicity: In (partial) defense of the `armchair linguist` ONE-SOON HER article pdf(1886)
2004-12 Argument-Function Linking in Resultatives ONE-SOON HER article pdf(5824)
1996 Variation of Mandarin VO constructions: a synchronic account ONE-SOON HERONE-SOON HER article pdf(1747)
1991 Topic as a grammatical function in Chinese ONE-SOON HERONE-SOON HER article pdf(2523)
1991 An LFG-based machine translation system ONE-SOON HER、Dan Higinbotham、Joseph Pentheroudakis article pdf(1933)
1991 On the Mandarin possessive and existential verb YOU and its idiomatic expressions ONE-SOON HER article pdf(1811)
1990 Historical development of BA and JIANG in the Tang Dynasty ONE-SOON HER article pdf(1911)
2008-08-01 台灣華語中的被字句與把字句:語料庫、書目、與詞彙功能語法分析(1/2) ONE-SOON HER report pdf(3386)