
Showing 451-475 of 1182
日期 題名 作者 類型 全文(次)
1997-08 Hong Kong`s Embattled Democracy: Perspectives from East Asian NIEs So, Alvin Y. article 說明頁(512)
1997-08 From Reform to Bureaucratic Stability in the PRC Wu, Yu-Shan article 說明頁(456)
1997-08 The PLA: Mobilization for Economic Survival Bi, Jian-Xiang article 說明頁(415)
1997-09 The Making of Taiwan Policy in Mainland China: Structure and Process Tsai, George W. article pdf(377)
1997-09 Is Mainland China Evolving into a Market Economy? Kerr, William A.、MacKay, Ed article pdf(335)
1997-09 Beijing`s Strategies and Actions Toward Washington: Containment and Counter-Containment Chang, Ya-Chun article pdf(339)
1997-09 Mainland China-Angola Relations: Moving from Debacle to Détente Taylor, Ian article pdf(420)
1997-09 External Actors and Internal Dynamics: Hong Kong`s Democratization Under British Rule Kong, Stephen Au Yeung Chi article pdf(503)
1997-10 From "Multi-System Nations" to "Linkage Communities": A New Conceptual Scheme for the Integration of Divided Nations Wei, Yung article pdf(376)
1997-10 Fei Xiaotong`s Theory of Rural Development and Its Application: A Critical Appraisal Fong, Shiaw-Chian article pdf(414)
1997-10 Interregional Competition and Local Economic Initiatives in China: Shandong in the Reform Years Zhang, Yun-Qiu article pdf(344)
1997-10 Sanctions, Domestic Politics, and U.S. China Policy Yuan, Jing-Dong article pdf(469)
1997-11 Building a Power Base: Jiang Zemin and the Post-Deng Succession Cavey, Paul article pdf(401)
1997-11 Power and Agenda: Jiang Zemin`s New Political Initiatives at the CCP`s Fifteenth Congress Zheng, Yong-Nian article pdf(299)
1997-11 Russo-Chinese Military Relations and Asian Security Blank, Stephen J. article pdf(404)
1997-11 The PRC and APEC: A Planned Excursion for Conciliation Wu, Lin-Jun article pdf(360)
1997-11 The PRC`s Policies Toward Nonproliferation Regimes Jan, Hung-Yi article pdf(285)
1997-12 A Milestone as well as a Millstone: The Jiang-Clinton Summit Hu, Xiao-Bo article pdf(427)
1997-12 The Engendering of a Market Economy in China Cheung, Gordon C. K. article pdf(294)
1997-12 How Many Poor People in Shanghai Today? The Question of Poverty and Poverty Measure Wong, Chack-Kie article pdf(380)
1997-12 Taiwan`s Offshore Shipping Center and Cross-Strait Commercial Opportunities Kung, Chun-Sheng article pdf(372)
1997-12 Cross-Strait Trade and Investment: Economic and Security Implications for the Republic of China Boutin, J. D. Kenneth article pdf(368)
1997-12 Prospects for the PLA`s Operational Art Toward 2000: Tradition Versus Revolution Bi, Jian-Xiang article pdf(403)
1998-01 The CCP`s Fifteenth Congress: Technocrats in Command Shambaugh, David article pdf(364)
1998-01 An Analysis of the CCP`s Role in Mainland China`s State Supervisory Systems Chang, I-Huai article pdf(647)