All Of Publications(Limit:College of Education、2010-2019)

Showing 426-450 of 2025
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2013 A Mixture Items-and-Examinees Model Analysis on Differential Item Functioning HSIN-YING HUANGHSIN-YING HUANG thesis pdf(370)
2013 The Verification and Application of Cognitive Diagnosis Models on English Simple Sentences 趙珮晴 thesis web page(450)
2012.01 紮根理論研究法在數位學習研究上的應用 HUANG-YAO HONG book/chapter web page(1199)
2013.12 縱貫性資料分析:LGM的應用 MIN-NING YU book/chapter web page(1169)
2013.11 2013台灣文教人權指標調查報告 MENG-CHUN CHIN report pdf(1766)
2012.11 2012台灣文教人權指標調查報告 MENG-CHUN CHIN report pdf(1574)
2013 通識最前線:博雅與書院教育人才培育圖像 YU-HUI CHEN book/chapter web page(1367)
2012-12 「主體性」(Subjectivity)與「互為主體性」(Intersubjectivity):黑格爾、哈伯瑪斯之「現代性論述」 YU-HUI CHEN、Chen, Yu-Hui article pdf(1340)
2010 教科書的政治學: 政治 經濟與文化的動態分析 張盈 book/chapter web page(1271)
2012 陽剛氣質 : 國外論述與臺灣經驗 YIN-KUN CHANG book/chapter web page(1310)
2011.05 兩岸義務教育發展之探析 CHIH-MIN TANG article pdf(584)
2011.09 學校空間領導指標建構探析 CHIH-MIN TANG article pdf(823)
2011-12 國民中小學創新學校經營校長空間領導之研究-以臺北市和新北市為例 CHIH-MIN TANG book/chapter pdf(869)
2011.12 跨世紀百年學校校園新貌 CHIH-MIN TANG book/chapter pdf(643)
2011.03 Taiwanese Teachers’ Implementation of a New ‘Constructivist Mathematics Curriculum’: How Cognitive and Affective Issues are Addressed MEI-SHIU CHIUMEI-SHIU CHIU article pdf(1016)
2012.06 Differential psychological processes underlying the skill-development model and self-enhancement model across mathematics and science in 28 countries MEI-SHIU CHIUMEI-SHIU CHIU article pdf(1159)
2012.02 Identification and assessment of Taiwanese children’s conceptions of learning mathematics MEI-SHIU CHIUMEI-SHIU CHIU article pdf(1441)
2012.07 Gaps between valuing and purchasing green-technology products: Product and gender differences MEI-SHIU CHIUMEI-SHIU CHIU article web page(1480)
2012-01 Varieties of Agents in Agent-Based Computational Economics: A Historical and an Interdisciplinary Perspective SHU-HENG CHENSHU-HENG CHEN article web page(1529)
2013 A Study of Construction the Professional Standards of National Primary and Secondary Schools` Principals. 武曉霞 thesis pdf(1257)
2013 A Study on the Relationships among Junior High School Principals` Space Leadership, School Organizational Culture and Effectiveness of School Innovative Management 鄭文淵、Cheng, Wen Yuan thesis pdf(1034)
2013 A study on the relationship among the principals’ distributed leadership, school health, and effectiveness in private senior and vocational high schools 蔡玲玲、Tsay, Lin Lin thesis pdf(752)
2013 The relationship among the principals’ distributed leadership, school organizational justice and teachers’ organizational citizenship behavior in the elementary school 許聰顯、Hsu, Tsung Hsien thesis pdf(1010)
2013 Effects of collaborative knowledge building on teacher-education students’ teaching reflection and practical knowledge 花儷月、Hua, Li Yueh thesis pdf(1235)
2013 Exploring the Relationships between Computer-Supported Collaborative Knowledge Building and Students’ Understanding of the Nature of Scientific Theories PEI-JUNG LEE、Li, Pei Jung thesis pdf(602)