All Of Publications(Limit:College of Liberal Arts、2010-2019)

Showing 4151-4175 of 4738
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2014-01 柳文卿・陳玉爾事件とアムネスティ・インターナショナル日本の設立 ― 日本における台湾独立運動をめぐる一断面 NAOKI MAEDA article pdf(248)
2010-09 第7章 台湾:台湾版「平成の大合併」と「一国両制」をめぐって NAOKI MAEDA book
2014-04 戦後米台関係史研究から読み解く NAOKI MAEDA book
2018 1950年代《雷震日記》中的「反對黨」與胡適―一個數位人文的分析 HUA-YUAN HSUEHHUA-YUAN HSUEH conference
2018 1950年代台灣反對黨主張的數位人文分析--以《雷震日記》為中心 HUA-YUAN HSUEHHUA-YUAN HSUEH conference
2018-09 台灣南進政策的歷史考察 HUA-YUAN HSUEHHUA-YUAN HSUEH conference
2017-11 戒嚴時期「非政治性案件」與轉型正義範圍的省思 HUA-YUAN HSUEHHUA-YUAN HSUEH book
2017-04 政治檔案與轉型正義範圍的再思考 HUA-YUAN HSUEHHUA-YUAN HSUEH article
2019 現代新儒家與民主憲政 HUA-YUAN HSUEHHUA-YUAN HSUEH conference
2017-08 解嚴30年:解嚴的歷史意義及民主化後的歷史問題 HUA-YUAN HSUEHHUA-YUAN HSUEH article pdf(378)
2018 戰後臺灣政治發展的再評價 HUA-YUAN HSUEHHUA-YUAN HSUEH article web page(400)
2012-01 戰後臺灣政治發展的軌跡: 從強人威權體制到名列自由國家之林 HUA-YUAN HSUEHHUA-YUAN HSUEH book
2017-11 I-Kuan Tao (Yiguandao) under the Shadow of Nationalism: Traitors? Conspirators? Traditionalists? Loyalists? CHING-CHIH LIN、Lin, Ching-chih book
2018-11 Spatial Humanities: An Integrated Approach to Spatiotemporal Research CHING-CHIH LIN、Lin, Ching-chih、DAVID SCOTT BLUNDELL、Morris, James book/chapter web page(284)
2018-12 文化部文化資產局「傳統金紙及香製作無形文化資產潛力調查計畫」 CHING-CHIH LIN、Lin, Ching-chih、CHEN-YUAN LIN report
2014-12 On al-Ghazzali’s Salvation of Soul and Heart: An Analysis of Contemplative Psychology 楊美芬 article web page(368)
2018-12 與大自然通靈︰27個RERC 經驗案例的分析與討論 楊美芬 article
2018-09 A Mechanism for Spatial Perception on Human Skin HUEI-YING CHENG、Cheng, Tony、Fardo, Francesca、Beck, Brianna、Haggard, Patrick * article pdf(378)
2019 An investigation on information behaviors of middle-elder graduates’ thesis writing 何宜真、Ho, I-Chen thesis pdf(2)
2019 饒舌與賦體:台灣饒舌歌與傳統賦體元素之交集 黃建翰、Huang, Jian-Han thesis pdf(194)
2019 A Brief Analysis of Personal Identity 郭澄澄、Guo, Cheng-Cheng thesis pdf(809)
2019 How did late-Ming commentators rebuild the interrupted commentarial tradition of the Cheng Weishi Lun? 楊志常、Yang, Chih-Chang thesis pdf(176)
2019 Information Needs and School Library Use Behavior of Resource Classroom Students on Junior High School in Taipei City 許自邦、Hsu, Tzu-Pang thesis pdf(56)
2019 Observation on Taiwan’s Lending Rankings and Bestsellers: Also on the Relevance of Books Being Borrowed and Bought 趙菁瑩、Chao, Ching-Ying thesis pdf(654)
2019 The Treatment of the National Government of the Republic of China to German Jewish Refugees in China (1939-1949) 曾譯緒、Tseng, Yi-Hsu thesis pdf(1076)