All Of Publications(Limit:College of Liberal Arts、2010-2019)

Showing 4251-4275 of 4738
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2014-09 Error patterns of Mandarin disyllabic tone by Japanese learners JUNG-YUEH TU、Tu, Jung-Yueh、Hsiung, Yuwen、Wu, Min-Da、Sung, Yao-Ting conference pdf(224)
2014-09 Non-word repetition of Taiwanese disyllabic tonal sequences in adults with language attrition JUNG-YUEH TU、Tu, Jung-yueh、Yeh, Chia-Hsin、Wang, Chiung-Yao conference pdf(321)
2016-01 Processing preference toward object-extracted relative clauses in Mandarin Chinese by L1 and L2 speakers: An eyetracking study JUNG-YUEH TU、Tu, Jung-yueh、Sung, Yao-Ting、Cha, Jih-Ho、Wu, Ming-Da article pdf(247)
2012-05 The effect of language attrition and tone sandhi on Taiwanese tonal processing JUNG-YUEH TU、Tu, Jung-Yueh、Yeh, Chia-Hsin conference pdf(254)
2018-06 The perception of Cantonese lexical tones in popular music: A preliminary report JUNG-YUEH TU、Tu, Jung-Yueh、Wong, Janice Wing-Sze conference pdf(255)
2016-05 Tone production of Mandarin disyllabic words by Korean learners JUNG-YUEH TU、Tu, Jung-Yueh、Hsiung, Yuwen、Cha, Jih-Ho、Wu, Min-Da、Sung, Yao-Ting conference pdf(259)
2017-08 Trisyllabic tone 3 sandhi patterns in Mandarin produced by Cantonese speakers JUNG-YUEH TU、Tu, Jung-Yueh、Wong, Janice Wing-Sze、Cha, Jih-Ho conference web page(405)
2018-10 中韓兩國 HSK 三級應試輔導教材比較分析 JUNG-YUEH TU、Tu, Jung-Yueh、河玟榮 conference
2018-12 漢字文化圈留學生繁簡體字辨識之調查研究 JUNG-YUEH TU、Tu, Jung-Yueh、李文茜 conference pdf(2)
2019 監獄島與家 JEN-TZU HUANG、Huang, Jen-Tzu book web page(380)
2013-04 파시즘 미학의 소설 형상화 방식-우만샤의 《대지의 봄》을 중심으로(法西斯美學的小說形象化-以吳漫沙《大地之春》為例) MAL-SOON CHOIMAL-SOON CHOI book web page(542)
2018-12 近代中國農業高等教育與農業化學知識的發展 CHIA-HSING HO、Ho, Chia-hsing book/chapter web page(533)
2018-12 An Analysis of the Current Situations on Professional Education of Archives Conservation CHIAO-MIN LIN、Lin, Chiao-Min 、游子萱 article pdf(341)
2018-12 Defining Free Will by Clarifying the Ability Required for Moral Responsibility: A Reflection on a Pragmatic Proposal HUA WANGHUA WANG article web page(316)
2015-03 倘徉於古往今來的語音穹宇:丁邦新院士在漢語音韻學的學術成就與貢獻 YUN-SHAN SUNG、Sung, Yun-San  article web page(275)
2017-07 唐宋時期的大威德明王信仰及其流衍﹝一﹞-﹝十五﹞ CHEN-HUNG KAOCHEN-HUNG KAO article web page(343)
2018-12 沙漠教父伊瓦格魯斯之苦修思想中的身體觀 KUO-YU TSUI、Tsu, Kuo-Yu article
2018-09 Review of A Pilgrimage of the Body: Interpreting Body, Women, Sacredness in Light of the Contemporary Feminist Thought KUO-YU TSUI、Tsu, Kuo-Yu article pdf(205)
2018-03 變騷與反騷:朱熹對李白《鳴皋歌》的論述與揚雄賦之對讀 TUNG-HAI HSUTUNG-HAI HSU article web page(260)
2015 E-learning Communities for Study Abroad Context: A Case Study with CIEE Students 王如敏、Wang, Ju-Min thesis pdf(187)
2018-09 花譜.地圖.版圖:陸游牡丹譜錄、詩歌的「謫遷與世變」論述及其與《洛陽牡丹記》之對讀 TUNG-HAI HSUTUNG-HAI HSU article web page(290)
2018-03 詩賦擬恨與情志寫真--從〈恨賦〉看辭賦擬古與詩歌賦化的書寫譜系 TUNG-HAI HSUTUNG-HAI HSU article web page(383)
2018-12 Translating the Beauty to Rectify the Vice: Zeng Xubai`s Writings and Translations of Aesthetic Literature during the "Truth, Beauty, and Goodness" Period SHUO-WIN CHENSHUO-WIN CHEN article pdf(202)
2018-11 論日本漢學家白川靜的《說文》研究及其影響 TING-CHI HUANG、Huang, Ting-Chi article web page(324)
2015-06 論金文「饙」及「饙+器名」 TING-CHI HUANG、Huang, Ting-Chi article