All Of Publications(Limit:College of Liberal Arts、2010-2019)

Showing 4426-4450 of 4738
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2016-12 外省人自由派菁英與戰後臺灣政治改革的訴求──以齊世英為中心 HUA-YUAN HSUEHHUA-YUAN HSUEH article web page(294)
2018-01 The Recurrent Model of Bodily Spatial Phenomenology HUEI-YING CHENG、Cheng, Tony 、Haggard, Patrick article pdf(241)
2018-01 Review of A Short History of German Philosophy by Vittorio Hösle() CHIU-YUI-PLATO TSE、Tse, Chiu Yui Plato article pdf(296)
2013-09 Chinese Art in the Age of Photographic Reproduction: The Art Periodical "Shenzhou Guoguangji" YU-JEN LIU、Liu, Yu‐jen article pdf(249)
2018-05 《居延新簡集釋(一)》新綴十二組 HUNG-MING LINHUNG-MING LIN conference pdf(211)
2015-05 甲骨殘字補釋(二) HUNG-MING LINHUNG-MING LIN conference web page(265)
2011-08 從訓詁學觀點看《周易》的譯註──以《周易譯註》為例 HUNG-MING LINHUNG-MING LIN conference pdf(242)
2016-06 秦簡死而復生故事與物質文化 MING-CHANG YANGMING-CHANG YANG conference web page(222)
2017-08 敦煌文獻中的高僧讚抄 MING-CHANG YANGMING-CHANG YANG conference pdf(171)
2017-05 日治初期台灣銀行對地方之經營--以鼎新公司為例 WEI-CHEN LEEWEI-CHEN LEE conference web page(295)
2018-07 合作畫的再思考─從王震等《合作蟠桃赴會》談起 YU-JEN LIU、Liu, Yu‐Jen book/chapter pdf(267)
2018-07 面向市場的藝術─清末民初的上海畫壇 YU-JEN LIU、Liu, Yu‐Jen book/chapter pdf(196)
2015-09 海西妙筆─郎世寧的繪畫藝術 YU-JEN LIU、Liu, Yu‐Jen book/chapter pdf(242)
2017-01 傅狷夫先生家族捐贈文物概述 YU-JEN LIU、Liu, Yu‐Jen book/chapter pdf(173)
2017-12 中國近現代思想及文學史專業數據庫(1830-1930) 政治大學邁向頂尖計畫 WEN-HUEI CHENGWEN-HUEI CHENG report pdf(279)
2013-07 世變與文人:末代王孫溥心畬文學∕繪畫之互文性及其文化敘事 WEN-HUEI CHENGWEN-HUEI CHENG report web page(401)
2014-07 世變與文人:末代王孫溥心畬文學╱繪畫之互文性及其文化敘事 WEN-HUEI CHENGWEN-HUEI CHENG report web page(353)
2015-07 世變與文人:末代王孫溥心畬文學∕繪畫之互文性及其文化敘事 WEN-HUEI CHENGWEN-HUEI CHENG report web page(337)
2015-07 Idea, Event and Action: The Study of Digital Humanities in the Formation and Evolution of Modern Chinese Ideas WEN-HUEI CHENGWEN-HUEI CHENG report web page(303)
2014-07 Idea, Event and Action: The Study of Digital Humanities in the Formation and Evolution of Modern Chinese Ideas WEN-HUEI CHENGWEN-HUEI CHENG report web page(291)
2016-07 Ideas, Discourses, and Actions: A Study of Multiple Modernities of China and Taiwan in the Digital Landscape---The Interaction and Conflict of New/Old: A Digital Humanities Study of Chinese Modernity WEN-HUEI CHENGWEN-HUEI CHENG report pdf(221)
2017-07 Ideas, Discourses, and Actions: A Study of Multiple Modernities of China and Taiwan in the Digital Landscape---The Interaction and Conflict of New/Old: A Digital Humanities Study of Chinese Modernity WEN-HUEI CHENGWEN-HUEI CHENG report pdf(184)
2018-04 「典藏新紀元─清末民初的上海畫壇」特展介紹 YU-JEN LIU、Liu, Yu‐Jen article pdf(191)
2017-12 大風堂收藏的無款佛教故事圖 YU-JEN LIU、Liu, Yu‐Jen article pdf(142)
2014-05 雅債縈身的文徵明形象 YU-JEN LIU、Liu, Yu‐Jen article pdf(157)