All Of Publications(Limit:College of Liberal Arts、2010-2019)

Showing 4626-4650 of 4746
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2015-03 日治時期台人的中國認識:以臺灣民報系列之社論為場域(1920-1935) SHIH-YUN LO conference web page(192)
2017-12 召喚臺灣老靈魂──論決戰時期呂赫若《清秋》小說集的家與老者 SHIH-YUN LO conference
2018-05 從左翼到派遣:論戰時前後石川達三與楊逵的日人書寫 SHIH-YUN LO conference
2013-10 臺灣近代知識建構的起點:1920年代《臺灣青年》的翻譯篇章與思想轉譯 SHIH-YUN LO conference
2013-10 戰時文學的偏移:以日治時期筆部隊的石川達三《活著的兵士》、呂赫若《風頭水尾》二作為例 SHIH-YUN LO conference web page(150)
2018-09 擬聲政治—論戰後初期《新臺灣》雜誌的女性修辭 SHIH-YUN LO conference web page(174)
2011-09 戀愛自由的可能——論徐坤泉《可愛的仇人》中的戀愛概念及日譯再版問題 SHIH-YUN LO conference web page(160)
2012-11 日本對台灣文學研究概述 SHIH-YUN LO book/chapter pdf(17)
2015-09 Buddhism. Religious Studies in Contemporary China Collection PEI-YING LIN、Lin, Pei-Ying、Lou, Yulie book web page(220)
2018-06 Activism, Protest and Social Criticism in Contemporary Hong Kong Cinema TING-YING LIN、Lin, Ting-ying conference
2018-01 Cinema and Political Activism: Contemporary Hong Kong Cinema as a Case Study TING-YING LIN、Lin, Ting-ying conference
2016-11 Colonial Past, Contesting Present, Neo-colonial Future: Representations of the ‘China Factor’ in the Latest Hong Kong Cinema TING-YING LIN、Lin, Ting-ying conference pdf(36)
2015-01 Ideological Legacies from the New Wave: Hybrid Identities and Resistance in the Recent Generation of Taiwanese Cinema TING-YING LIN、Lin, Ting-ying conference
2016-07 Inscribing Colonial Memories: Strategies of Representing Japanese Taiwan in the Recent Taiwanese Cinema and Television Dramas TING-YING LIN、Lin, Ting-ying conference pdf(10)
2016-07 Re-articulating Hong Kong Consciousness on Screen: Representations of Local Cultural Values in Recent Hong Kong Cinema TING-YING LIN、Lin, Ting-Ying conference
2015-07 Third Cinema Revisited: Cinema as a Site of Resistance in the Case of Postcolonial Taiwan Cinema TING-YING LIN、Lin, Ting-Ying conference pdf(18)
2015-07 Urban Modernity and Postmodernity in Tokyo Street Photography: A Case Study of Tatsuo Suzuki’s Photographic Arts TING-YING LIN、Lin, Ting-Ying conference web page(217)
2017-06 Analysis of particle "zhe" from pedagogy grammar perspective CHIN FANG、Fang, Jin book/chapter web page(259)
2018-07 《法海遺珠》、《道法會元》中的官將資料庫建置與數位人文研究 YU-JUNG CHENGCHEN-HUNG KAO conference web page(173)
2017-11 《法海遺珠》、《道法會元》中道法系統的數位人文研究:宋、元、明道教官將網絡分析 YU-JUNG CHENGCHEN-HUNG KAO conference pdf(72)
2016-12 Construction and Application of the Ontology on Taipei’s Historical Sites During Period of Japanese Rule YU-JUNG CHENG、張映涵、Cheng, Yu-Jung、Chang, Ying-han conference pdf(56)
2018-03 蓬萊神話:神山、海洋與洲島的神聖敘事 LI-FENG KAO book web page(157)
2018-06 明代復古派詩學中的「摹擬」議題 YING-CHIEH CHEN conference web page(150)
2014-02 Second Only to the Original: Rhetoric and Practice in the Photographic Reproduction of Art in Early Twentieth-Century China YU-JEN LIU、Liu, Yu-jen article web page(129)
2018-10 Stealing Words, Transplanting Images: Stephen Bushell and the Intercultural Articulation of “Chinese Art” in the Early Twentieth Century YU-JEN LIU、Liu, Yu-jen article web page(141)