All Of Publications(Limit:College of Liberal Arts)

Showing 14401-14425 of 14710
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
1998 魏晉女性題材辭賦之研究 謝月鈴 thesis web page(423)
1998-12 汪精衛的「恐共」與「投日」 蔣永敬 article
2001-05 唐修正史文學彙傳的文學史圖像與意識 SHOU-CHENG TSENGSHOU-CHENG TSENG article web page(558)
2021-09 書評:《主體、工夫與行動:朱熹哲學的新探索》 KAI CHIU NG article web page(37)
2009 當代詮釋學對判斷力與構想力功能的檢視 張鼎國 report web page(314)
2012 Exotic Culture & Modernity Experience:The Cross-border Travel Literautre in the Late Qing Dynasty HUEI-CHEN CHANGHUEI-CHEN CHANG thesis pdf(221)
2008-12 論荀子對「性善說」的看法 SHU-CHING HOSHU-CHING HO conference
1994-06 生死義辨 HUAI-MIN KAO article
2021 A Study on the Content Architecture of University Archives Websites 朱麗美、Ju, Li-Mei thesis pdf(228)
2005-01 漢朝使節到過南印度嗎 HURNG-YU CHEN article
2015-01 清言小品‧道德文章──張潮《幽夢影》中的道德意識與修養工夫 曾暐傑 book/chapter pdf(475)
2006 電子期刊對學術圖書館技術服務的影響 MEI-LING WANG article pdf(264)
2006 戰國、秦、西漢時期江陵墓葬研究 徐靜欣 thesis pdf(1324)pdf(2500)pdf(3111)pdf(5056)pdf(5598)pdf(1342)pdf(2215)pdf(1042)
2010-06 Designing and Review of the Library and Information Utilization E-learning Course MEI-HWA YANG、張如瑩、MEI-HWA YANG、Chang, Ju-Ying article pdf(1022)
1997-05 一九三○年代中國的糧食運銷組織 呂紹理 article pdf(1865)
2014-07 學術期刊羅馬化:APA、Chicago (Turabian)與羅馬化引文格式規範 JEONG-YEOU CHIU、林瑺慧 book/chapter web page(1258)
2013.06 Facilitating English Language Learners` Oral Reading Fluency with Digital Pen Technology CHIH-MING CHEN、 Tan, Chia-Chen 、 Lo, Bey-Jane、CHIH-MING CHEN article web page(1842)
2007 A Comparison Study of Citation Indexing Database 陳薇竹、Chen, Wei-Chu thesis pdf(936)pdf(973)pdf(1779)pdf(1034)pdf(1270)pdf(3726)pdf(1354)pdf(2202)pdf(1126)pdf(1465)pdf(1532)
1987-11 張學良與中原戰爭資料舉要 蔣永敬 article
2022 Haunting in Daylight: Ghost Narrative in Li-Ang, Gan Yao-Ming, and Tong Wei-ge’s Novels. 謝坤權、Hsieh, Kun-Chuan thesis pdf(109)
2017 A study of the Chinese translations of the Rajavavadakasutra 郭捷立、Kwok, Jie Li thesis pdf(68)
2012-07 「詩教」、「性情」與「格調」─沈德潛《說詩晬語》詩學主體創作論 Lu,Po-Hsun LU、Lu,Po-Hsun LU article pdf(337)
2018 The Archaeology of Politics in Pre-Qin Confucianism 李雨鍾、Li, Yu-Zhong thesis pdf(897)
2008-08 《古今詞統》編選「蘇辛詞」析論 YA-WEN HOU conference
2009 Epistemological research:”concept compositionality” and “category specificity” 陳建宇 thesis pdf(2465)