All Of Publications(Limit:College of Liberal Arts)

Showing 14626-14650 of 14710
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2023 Cultural Cold War of the Republic of China: Focusing on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs` Propaganda Towards the United States, 1949-1985 賴韋廷、Lai, Wei-Ting thesis pdf(138)
2010 情治機構與白色恐怖之進行(1949-1991) FU-CHUNG LI report pdf(1362)
2019-07 從戒嚴到解嚴-臺灣的轉型正義及人權落實 HUA-YUAN HSUEHHUA-YUAN HSUEH conference pdf(230)
2010 The research of trade diplomacy of the Republic of China, 1949-1979 王文隆 thesis web page(720)
2005 養生與養身──晚明日常生活的起居、攝生與衛生 HSIU-FEN CHEN report pdf(2492)
2013 當代臺灣佛教文學研究的詮釋建構者群像及其相關論述 MIIN DING article pdf(1234)
2013 當代西方對宋元以後內丹研究之回顧 SHU-WEI HSIEH article pdf(1919)
2016-12 夫子不言性與天道?──經典詮釋與出土文獻兩條路徑的重新省思 CHIH-HAO WANG、Wang, Chih-hao 會議論文 web page(277)
1980-09 尚書康誥、酒誥、梓材大義探討 李振興 article
2005 E-Metrics Assessment Model for the Study of Electronic Journals in University Libraries 張慈玲、Chang,Tze-ling thesis pdf(1022)pdf(1007)pdf(960)pdf(1016)pdf(1598)pdf(1821)pdf(1871)pdf(1721)pdf(1600)pdf(1118)pdf(1588)pdf(1151)pdf(966)pdf(1162)pdf(988)pdf(969)
2022-06 An Emerging but Failed Attempt: Translating Edward Carpenter and Defending Homosexuality in Modern China HUI-CHI HSU、Hsu, Rachel Hui-Chi conference web page(229)
2018-05 Arendt and Ricoeur on Narration WEN-SHENG WANG、WEN-SHENG WANG report web page(306)
2011 Use and acceptance of the "MOE Education Intuitive Service Portal" by elementary school teachers from their teaching needs:Taoyuan County case study 袁正良 thesis pdf(668)
2018-06 Classification of Lung Cancer Subtypes Based on Autofluorescence Bronchoscopic Pattern Recognition: A Preliminary Study CHUNG MING LO、Lo*, Chung-Ming、Feng, Po-Hao、Chen, Tzu-Tao、Lin, Yin-Tzu、Chiang, Shang-Yu article pdf(171)pdf(239)post-print version
2003.09 Some Thoughts on Intercultural Philosophy and Chinese Philosophy TSING-SONG SHEN、Shen, Vincent article pdf(1163)
2008-06 戰爭與宣傳:1950年代標語的形成與困境 GUO-SIAN LIN、GUO-SIAN LIN article web page(510)
2009-12 希臘悲劇中的Ethos和蘇格拉底的logon didonai之間的衝突 WEN-LIN PENGWEN-LIN PENG article pdf(708)
2020-06 Establishing the Risk Assessment Indicators of Electronic Records and Empirical Analysis of an Institution CHIAO-MIN LIN、CHIAO-MIN LIN article pdf(157)
1985-06 老子的溝通理論:詮釋與重構 TSING-SONG SHEN article
1976-05 戴高樂賴以復國的武力--一九四○至一九四四 JUIN-YIH WU article
2003 A Study of the Construction of the Historical Archival Retrieval Systems in the Web Environment 張淑惠 thesis pdf(793)pdf(844)pdf(971)pdf(796)pdf(2504)pdf(958)pdf(1442)pdf(1023)pdf(1153)pdf(888)
2010 國統會與李登輝大陸政策硏究 FU-CHUNG LI book/chapter web page(625)
2020 From Ye to Daming: “Cities System” Changes among Weibo during Late-Tang and Five Dynasties 周仲翔、Zhou, Zhong-Xiang thesis
2024 The Effect Integrating Digital Game-based Learning on Atayal Language Learning Attitudes and Learning Effectiveness of sixth-grade primary school students. 楊煜凡、Yang, Yu-Fan thesis pdf(0)
2012 近代心智與台灣社會: 黃繼圖研究 (1912-1960) SHIH-JUNG TZENG report pdf(579)