All Of Publications(Limit:College of Liberal Arts)

Showing 14626-14650 of 15068
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
1986-03 戴高樂的對俄外交 (一九五八?一九六九) JUIN-YIH WU article
1981-11 左傳寫韓殽二役運用的對稱與對比 TSUNG-WU CHIEN article
2010-05 日治時期臺灣家族企史研究回顧 呂紹理、Lilu, Shao-Li conference
2016-06 臺灣演劇史上《聊齋誌異・恒娘》的「文化展演」景觀 HSIN-HSIN TSAI article web page(530)
1988 司馬溫公通鑑臣光曰研究 張立平 thesis web page(415)
2016-12 Investigating the processing of relative clauses in Mandarin Chinese: Evidence from eye-movement data 杜容玥*、Tu, Jung-yueh、Sung, Yao-Ting、Cha, Jih-Ho、Wu, Ming-Da、Lin, Wei-Chun article pdf(234)
2018-01 A Study of the Symbolic Forms of Chinese Culture---On the Thinking Mode of Chinese Script and the Philosophy of Grammatology YUAN-TSE LINYUAN-TSE LIN 研究報告 pdf(208)
2024 On the Narrating of Transmedia PC Game in Taiwan after 1990:Based upon A Case Study of “Wu-Hsia”RPG 顏堉至、Yen, Yu-Zhi thesis pdf(0)
2010 臺灣史學的文本書寫(1945-2010) MING-FUI PANG report pdf(1760)
2024 Strategies Between Emperorship, Regency and Autocracy: Dorgon and the Early Qing Structure of Politics 黃毓晴、Huang, Yu-Ching thesis pdf(5)
2008-09 論《詩經》中的瓜類名物及其比興義 MING-CHANG YANG article web page(754)
2008-07 近代大學中的經學教育 HSING-CHIEN CHE conference
2020 A study on the Lu Fu of Liu Chang 范君珮 thesis pdf(215)
2005-07 中古漢語的兒後綴 CHIA-NING CHUCHIA-NING CHU article pdf(609)
2006-01 殖民地臺灣:左翼政治運動史論 FANG-MING CHEN book pdf(627)
2017-06 敘事在鄂蘭與呂格爾間的關聯:從實踐的意義出發來看 WEN-SHENG WANG、Wang, Wen-Sheng article web page(854)
2018 JOHANN GOTTLIEB FICHTE: Ideas on God and Immortality: Lectures on Logic and Metaphysics (translation) CHIU-YUI-PLATO TSE、Tse, Chiu Yui Plato、Phillips, Rory L. article web page(206)
2003 杭辛齋易學研究 張耀龍、CHAN , YEW LOONG thesis pdf(970)pdf(771)pdf(940)pdf(1614)pdf(1410)pdf(2189)pdf(1527)pdf(1236)pdf(970)pdf(1687)
1999-10 反切標音論述 (8) 謝雲飛 article web page(823)
2006-06 永恆的經書與流動的價值──唐詩用《左傳》典故之觀察 MIAO-CHEN TSAI article web page(218)
2019.09 清華簡《厚父》小議 HUNG-MING LINHUNG-MING LIN conference web page(351)
2021-10 Investigating Long-Term Technological Competitiveness: Originality, Generality, and Longevity PEI CHUN LEE、Lee, Pei-Chun article pdf(260)
1996-02 漢語韻母中的元音變化 謝雲飛 article
1997 國民的宗教認知與宗教的社會參與 TSING-SONG SHEN conference