All Of Publications(Limit:College of Liberal Arts)

Showing 14651-14675 of 15068
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2007.09 國科會哲學門人才培育計劃:後現代哲學 CHENG-YUN TSAI article pdf(760)
2003-12 由圖書資訊學教育標準探討碩士生的專業學習 MEI-LING WANG conference
2002 郭店楚簡文字研究--以偏旁構形為主 郭碧娟 thesis web page(392)
2003 轉學考-中文系 92年 中文系 exam pdf(163)
2020-12 新綴的史語所YH127坑改製背甲 HUNG-MING LINHUNG-MING LIN article web page(198)
2015-07 案頭場上兩得兼--王安祈教授的戲曲志業(創作編) YUN-SHU HOU article web page(526)
2020 Is Woncheuk Heterodox among Xuanzang’s Disciples? Based on the“ Gotra issue"and the notion of “original awakening" 楊得煜、Yang, De-Yu thesis pdf(0)
2022-12 反思Alasdair MacIntyre對於自由主義的批評:一種新的正義問題之可能性 向富緯 conference pdf(123)
2003 黑格爾 蔡美麗 book/chapter pdf(2411)
2014-10 The Musical Language/Metaphor in the Epistles of Ignatius of Antioch and Its Representation of the Divine 張毅民、Chang, Paulus Iee-Ming article pdf(196)
2003 柏拉圖未成書學說之研究 (III-III) WEN-LIN PENG report pdf(1124)
1998 吳濁流的詩論與詩歌 潘進福 thesis web page(383)
2020-07 An Image Retrieval System Based on Automatic Image Annotation to Facilitate Digital Humanities Research CHIH-MING CHENCHIH-MING CHEN、Lin, Chun-Yu、Chang, Chih-Hung conference web page(407)
2018-06 我國編目館員編目專業能力認知與工作績效研究 MEI-LING WANGMEI-LING WANGMEI-LING WANGMEI-LING WANG article pdf(394)
2006-06 塞凡提(Miguel de Cervantes, 1547~1616) SHOU-NAN WANG article pdf(531)
2021-12 華語為繼承語和第二語言習得:以三聲變調感知為例 CHUNG-YU CHEN、Chen, Chung-yu、石基琳、Shih, Chilin article pdf(265)
1995-05 試論重紐的語音 CHIA-NING CHU conference
2007-09 台灣教育部檔案介紹 The archives of ministry of education in Taiwan GUO-SIAN LINGUO-SIAN LIN article web page(461)
2016 Botanical Survey of Taiwan during the Early Japanese Colonial Period (1895-1921) SZU-WEI TSAI、Tsai, Szu Wei thesis web page(638)
2008-04 蔣經國晚年政治改革的歷史評論 HUA-YUAN HSUEH conference
1992-06 有線電視法草案面面觀 蔡明誠、GEORGETTE WANGSHANG-REN KWANCHIEN-SAN FENG、 閻沁恆 article
2022-10 明《獅吼記.鬧祠》傳奇到崑壇〈夢怕〉、〈三怕〉的演化傳播探析 HSIN-HSIN TSAI conference pdf(36)
2018 Vow-making Rituals in Modern Taiwan 胡學丞 thesis pdf(985)
2016-11 Colonial Past, Contesting Present, Neo-colonial Future: Representations of the ‘China Factor’ in the Latest Hong Kong Cinema TING-YING LIN、Lin, Ting-ying conference pdf(35)
2003-04 論出土秦簡牘所見之長幼觀念及文化意義 YEN-MEY HUNG conference