All Of Publications(Limit:College of Liberal Arts)

Showing 14651-14675 of 14710
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2000-10 古璽中的「弦」氏及其相關問題 HUNG-MING LIN conference
2017 A study on university library use and satisfaction between taiwanese and overseas students -a case study of Lunghwa university of science and technology library 陳怡靜、Chen, Yi Jing thesis pdf(69)
2013 博士班-中文所 102年 中文所 exam pdf(282)
2015 A Study of the Add-valued Application of Digital Archives 黃若瑜、Huang, Jo Yu thesis pdf(594)
2008 補助人文及社會科學研究圖書計畫規劃主題:中國近現代史Ⅰ---近代國家體制史研究 WEI-KAI LIU、JYI-SHANE LIU report pdf(1610)
2007 Application of Reference Services in Archival Repositories of Taiwan 陳憶華、Chen, I Hwa thesis pdf(1332)pdf(1258)pdf(1271)pdf(1101)pdf(1352)pdf(1440)pdf(2984)pdf(82986)pdf(2388)pdf(1418)pdf(1658)pdf(11442)
2017-12 曹植樂府遊仙詩之詮釋問題研究 WAI TONG CHIN、Chin, Wai-tong article pdf(244)
2020-12 甲金文中舊釋為「粦」字之形義問題補論 YU-AN KU、YU-AN KU conference pdf(151)
2017-08 The Doctrinal Evolution of Formless Precepts in the Early Chan Tradition: The Theory of Mind Purification in the Laṅkāvatāra Sūtra and the Brahmā’s Net Sūtra PEI-YING LIN、Lin, Pei-ying book/chapter web page(134)
2008-05 論鄭玄箋《詩》所表露出的經學思想 HSING-CHIEN CHEHSING-CHIEN CHE article pdf(981)
2000-03 從胡塞爾的邏輯現象學來看牟宗三的《認識心之批判》 WEN-SHENG WANG conference
2000-06 賦心與女色—論漢賦中的女性書寫及其意涵 TUNG-HAI HSU、TUNG-HAI HSU article web page(668)
2021-03 甲骨新綴第900例 HUNG-MING LIN other web page(96)
2007 一貫道常州組來台灣發展歷程 鍾權煌 thesis pdf(2443)pdf(2284)pdf(3015)pdf(1946)pdf(16947)pdf(5560)pdf(4856)
2009-12 台灣戒嚴時期的特務統治與白色恐怖氛圍 TSUI-LIEN CHENTSUI-LIEN CHEN conference
2000 現象學與人文社會科學間對話之一─精神衛生現象學:初步典範之建構-作為人文科學之精神衛生現象學(1/3) WEN-SHENG WANG report pdf(941)
2003 轉學考-哲學系 92年 哲學系 exam pdf(134)
2011 兒童電子書系統評鑑初探 MEI-LING WANG、陳莞捷、MEI-LING WANG conference
2021 The History of the Development of Peng Kai-Yao Family in Chu-Chien’s Shu-Chi-Lin Region, 1768-1945 彭彥秦、Peng, Yen-Chin thesis pdf(671)
2016-06 「待解」之學說――陳大齊對《孟子》「性」論的檢討 FENG-YUAN CHENFENG-YUAN CHEN article pdf(485)
2022 碩士班-歷史所 111年 歷史學系 exam pdf(48)
2000-12 馬融與鄭玄 HSING-CHIEN CHE conference web page(30)
2017 Taiwanese Graves during the Qing Dynasty 黃鈺文 thesis pdf(950)
2018 The effects of collaborative reading annotation system with SOAR structured note function on learner`s reading comprehension, reading motivation and reading attitude 林子郁、Lin, Tzu-Yu thesis pdf(84)
2009 宋元明清徽州官私立教育之發展 HSIANG-KWANG LIU report pdf(1280)