All Of Publications(Limit:College of Liberal Arts)

Showing 14726-14750 of 15227
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2022 Learners` Experience and Satisfaction for University Library Makerspace : Case Study of Dah Hsian Seetoo Library 黃沛、Huang, Pei thesis pdf(177)
1998-05 論公民德行的陶成 TSING-SONG SHEN article pdf(670)
2018-07 An Effective Group Incentive Mechanism in a Collaborative Problem-based Learning System for Enhancing Positive Peer Interaction and Learning Performance Chang, Chih-Hung、CHIH-MING CHEN、Zhao, Rong-Hua、CHIH-MING CHENCHIH-MING CHEN conference web page(701)
2018-04 開放取用系統與商業資料庫收錄資料之正確與重複性 MING-YUEH TSAYMING-YUEH TSAY、吳岱欒、Wu, Tai-Luan article pdf(609)
1983-01 湯恩比的文化憂患說 閻沁恆 article
2016-12 An Enhanced Topic Model Based on Labeled LDA for Chinese Historical Corpora HUA-YUAN HSUEH、陳奕安、江子揚、MING-FENG TSAIJYI-SHANE LIUHUA-YUAN HSUEH、Chen, Yi-an、Chiang, Tzu-yang、MING-FENG TSAIJYI-SHANE LIU conference pdf(145)
2007 A Study on project-based learning supported by digital archive resources–case study of Taiwan libraries’ history digital library 陳佳琪、Chen, Chia Chi thesis pdf(1167)pdf(1105)pdf(1079)pdf(1115)pdf(1342)pdf(2665)pdf(22720)pdf(2886)pdf(3093)pdf(1873)pdf(1367)
1993 孟子學說及其在宋代振興之研究 方俊吉 thesis web page(411)
2000 追尋共同體-回顧古典哲學的啟示 洪世謙 thesis web page(478)
2012-05 The effect of language attrition and tone sandhi on Taiwanese tonal processing JUNG-YUEH TU、Tu, Jung-Yueh、Yeh, Chia-Hsin conference pdf(271)
2010 A Study on Developing a Group Formation Strategy based on Learning Community Roles’ Behavior Features for Web-based Cooperative Learning 范蔚敏、Fan, Wei Min thesis pdf(819)
2008 美國學界裡「現代中國藝術」的界定與變革---1950年代迄今 JANE-CHUANG JU report pdf(1248)
2003-02 思想的條件(下) Davidson,Donald、林從一 article pdf(980)
2012.11 「敵か?友か?-中日関係の検討-」の再検討 WEI-KAI LIU article pdf(1049)
2024-06 以韌性的生態系統觀點探討臺灣開放政府資料平台 Lee, Pei-Chun、PEI CHUN LEE article web page(239)
1996 政大歷史系所製幻燈片的說明與應用 JER-LANG CHANG conference
2017-12 中國近現代思想及文學史專業數據庫(1830-1930) 政治大學邁向頂尖計畫 WEN-HUEI CHENGWEN-HUEI CHENG report pdf(318)
2011 A study on the publishing history of juvenile novels in Taiwan 廖冬日、Liao, Tung Jih thesis web page(559)
2000-01 由歷史教育看國家意識型態的形成--以台灣為中心討論 WHEI-MING CHOU conference
2009 The development of Chinese education in Thailand after 1945 陳惠玲 thesis web page(1831)
2023-07 「遊行天下斬妖精」:法場,臺灣北部的驅邪儀式 CHEN-YUAN LIN book/chapter web page(161)
2004-12 中華民國與臺灣國家定位的再檢討--以「兩國論」為中心的討論 HUA-YUAN HSUEH article
2023-09 周敦頤與朱熹「太極」之差異——問題之重啟 KAI CHIU NG conference
2006-08 儒家思想中的知行觀--以孟子,象山,陽明為例 CHI-PING LIN conference
2018 The History of Relationships between Humans and Cats in Taiwan since Nineteen Century 陳祖立、Chen, Zu Li thesis