All Of Publications(Limit:Department of History、2010-2019)

Showing 526-550 of 639
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2018-05 唐代官吏入宮車馬與僕從的管理--兼論命婦入宮規範 TUNG-HWA LO conference pdf(378)
2017-12 To Nationalize the Past: The Discourse of "5,000 Year-Long" National History in Modern China JUI-SUNG YANG conference pdf(270)
2018-08 Decentering US Sports Diplomacy: The 1980 Moscow Boycott through Contemporary Asian- African Perspectives WILLIAM JOSEPH EATON book/chapter web page(840)
2017-09 Tone Acquisition at the One-Word Stage in Taiwan Mandarin : A corpus study I-PING WANI-PING WAN、Yang, Han-Chieh article pdf(326)
2016-09 隱身的穆斯林:伊斯蘭在台灣的發展與變遷簡史, 1949-2015 HSIU-PING BAOHSIU-PING BAO article pdf(221)
2016-09 哈馬斯的抵抗理念與其實踐 HSIU-PING BAOHSIU-PING BAO article pdf(583)
2018-04 哈馬斯在加薩:非國家行為者應對封鎖危機之解析 HSIU-PING BAOHSIU-PING BAO article pdf(512)
2018-06 埃及穆斯林兄弟會之改革理念(1981-2013):社會運動與民主化 HSIU-PING BAOHSIU-PING BAO article pdf(375)
2016-12 書評: Islamic Exceptionalism: How the Struggle over Islam is Shaping the World by Shadi Hamid HSIU-PING BAOHSIU-PING BAO article pdf(271)
2018-08 伊斯蘭與民主相容吗?-----評Azzam S. Tamimi, Rachid Ghannouchi: A Democrat within Islamim HSIU-PING BAOHSIU-PING BAO article pdf(335)
2018-05 The Image of Vietnam from Sun Yat-sen`s Perspective: A Discussion on Speeches of Public Affairs WEI-KAI LIU article web page(471)
2019 A study of national high schools during the Anti-Japanese War (1937-1945) 許詠怡、Hsu, Yung-Yi thesis pdf(869)
2019 The Shaping of "Fuxing jidi" by Kuomintang in the 1950s Taiwan: Focusing on the Propaganda of "Central Motion Picture Corporation" and "Broadcasting Corporation of China" 林佳樺、Lin, Chia-Hua thesis pdf(2171)
2019 The Postal Delivery System of Xinjiang during Qing Dynasty Qianlong and Jiaqing Period 莊祐維、Zhuang, Yu-Wei thesis pdf(876)
2019 毛澤東與反右運動之研究 馮天樂 thesis
2018-05 「陽剛女」、「陰柔男」:十六、十七世紀英格蘭女性時尚 與性別爭議 MAY-SHINE LIN article pdf(429)
2019 Taiping Rebellion in High School Historical Textbooks in Taiwan and the Writing & Appropriation of It in Popular Culture (1945-2013) 古典 thesis pdf(456)
2019 Policy, Thought, Region: Transition of Monetary Economy in China, 600-1100 CHENG-HAN WU、Wu, Chen-Han thesis
2019 The disturbance of corporate reorganization and transfer in Soochow Tsun Hsing electric light company (1918-1924) 洪主瑩、Hung, Chu-Ying thesis pdf(263)
2019 The changing rituals in the R.O.C Presidential Inauguration (1947-1987) 鄭啟瑞、Cheng, Chi-Jui thesis pdf(968)
2018-10 是殺人魔王還是史詩英雄?評森谷公俊著,黃鈺晴譯,《亞歷山大的征服與神話》,臺北:八旗文化,2018 CHIH-HUNG CHEN、Chen, Chih-hung article pdf(277)
2018-09 十九世紀初至二十世紀中德國史學裡亞歷山大大帝形象的轉變 CHIH-HUNG CHEN、Chen, Chih-hung article pdf(286)
2019 Children Education about Li in Ming Dynasty 陳詩瑋、Chen, Shih-Wei thesis pdf(1)
2019 Xi-Bei-Jun Da Dao training and fighting in the Civil War and Second Sino-Japanese War 莊翔聿、Chuang, Hsiang-Yu thesis pdf(930)
2019 The discussion of Yellow Emperor in the Republic of China after the WWII : Focus on the Mausoleum of the Yellow Emperor ritual and national textbooks(1949-2018) 張睿宇、Chang, Ruey-Yu thesis pdf(419)