All Of Publications(Limit:College of Science、2010-2019)

Showing 576-600 of 1800
日期 題名 Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2011.01 Risk factors for PTSD after Typhoon Morakot among elderly people in Taiwanese aboriginal communities. 許文耀Chen,YL、Lai,CS、Chen,WT、Hsu,WY、Wu,YC、Wang,PW、Chen,CS article 說明頁(1154)
2012.06 Filial ethics and Judgments of Filial Behavior in Taiwan and the United States. 李怡青、Lee, I-Ching、Tan, Judy Y. article 說明頁(1549)
2012.09 The influence of attention levels on psychophysiological responses 黃淑麗、Chang, Yu-Chieh 、 Huang, Shwu-Lih article pdf(752)
2012.01 Attention modulates maintenance of representations in visual short-term memory 郭柏呈、Kuo, Bo-Cheng、Stokes, Mark G.、Nobre, Anna Christina article pdf(1182)
2013 The Exploratory Model of Positive and Negative Future Thinking, Behavioral Activation/Inhibition Systems, and Depressive Symptons 胡肇勳 thesis pdf(1342)
2013 A Study about Diffy Hexagons 王偉名、Wang, Wei Ming thesis pdf(572)
2011.01 Place conditioning and neurochemical responses elicited by the aftereffect of acute stressor exposure involving an elevated stand. Shen,YL、Chen,JC、Liao,RM article 說明頁(799)
2014.05 心理師校園駐區服務的困境、需求與挑戰由台北市國中輔導人員之觀點 林郁倫、陳婉真、林耀盛、王鍾和、Lin,Yu-Lun、Chen,Wan-Chen、Lin,Yaw-Sheng、Wang,Zhong-He article 說明頁(1238)
2012.11 家庭醫學中的醫病關係與人性關懷 張榮哲、林耀盛、Chang,Jung-Che、 Lin,Yaw-Sheng article 說明頁(707)
2012.09 不可承受之重:癌末主要照顧者的心思經驗探究 林耀盛 、 蔡逸鈴 article pdf(851)
2012.09 曹溪一滴水:時間、影像、聲音的共振返響 林耀盛 article pdf(914)
2011.12 休閒的積極意涵--運動文化與品格教育 林耀盛 article 說明頁(771)pdf(354)
2011.12 乳癌術後婦女身體意象衡鑑量表之研發 林耀盛、胡至家、Lin,Yaw-Sheng、Hu,Chih-Chia article 說明頁(805)pdf(511)
2011.09 幽緲邊界下的創慟處境:探究九二一震災身心障礙者的失能體驗與喪親經驗 林耀盛、Lin,Yaw-Sheng article 說明頁(769)pdf(424)
2012.09 重逢真實界:以拉岡式精神分析探究主體性 林耀盛 、 龔卓軍、Lin, Yaw-Sheng 、 Gong, Jow-Jiun article pdf(448)
2011.06 本土化、西方化與全球化:本土臨床心理學的研發進程 林耀盛、Lin,Yaw-Sheng article 說明頁(611)pdf(451)
2013 A Study of Imitative Performance in Children with Autistic Spectrum Disorders 李承哲 thesis pdf(237)
2013 A study about ternary sequences 林宥廷 thesis pdf(373)
2013 Portfolio Selection Models with the Beta Value Constraint 林佳緯、Lin, Jia Wei thesis 說明頁(296)
2013 Portfolio Optimization Models under WCVaR Control 楊子漪 thesis 說明頁(233)
2013 A study on learning performance of remote area seventh graders based on cooperative learning in mathematics teaching 許清惟 thesis pdf(503)
2013 A study on junior high school students smoking behavior 方運昌 thesis pdf(197)
2011.06 科學、人文與實務之間:析論臨床心理學的訓練和發展。 林耀盛、Lin,Yaw-Sheng article pdf(787)
2011.06 專題導論:「不再是玫瑰:臨床心理學訓練與實踐的反思」 林耀盛 、 李維倫、Lin,Yaw-Sheng、Lee,Wei-Lun article 說明頁(918)
2011.01 心理諮商學派的「改變」觀點:哲學與心理學的互為建構 林耀盛、Lin,Yaw-Sheng article pdf(901)