All Of Publications(Limit:Affiliated Centers 、2010-2019)

Showing 501-525 of 703
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2016-12 政治情緒對兩岸經貿交流的影響:以臺灣的大學生為例 LU-HUEI CHEN、陳映男、LU-HUEI CHEN、Chen, Ying-nan article pdf(527)
2016 Taiwan`s Evolving Policy towards the South China Sea Dispute: 1992-2016 HSIU-AN HSIAO book/chapter web page(713)
2016-06 Post Allocation, List Nominations, and Preelectoral Coalitions under MMM CHIA-HUNG TSAICHIA-HUNG TSAICHIA-HUNG TSAI book/chapter web page(850)
2015 中國大陸國有企業改革之分析 CHIH-SHIAN LIOU report pdf(325)
2015 測量議題競選廣告策略之效果:實驗設計在網路調查平台上的應用 ERIC CHEN-HUA YU report pdf(371)
2017 The South China Sea Arbitration and Taiwan’s Claim: Legal and Political Implications HSIU-AN HSIAOHSIU-AN HSIAO article pdf(477)
2017-06 Buffering and direct effect of posttraumatic growth in predicting distress following cancer Wang, Ashley Wei-Ting,Chang, Cheng-Shyong,Chen, Shou-Tung,Chen, Dar-Ren,Fan, Fang,Carver, Charles S.,Hsu, Wen-Yau、WEN-YAU HSU article web page(1101)
2017-07 Taiwan citizens` views of China: What are the effects of cross-strait contacts? Wang, T.Y.、SU-FENG CHENGSU-FENG CHENG article pdf(536)
2017-03 The acquisition of orthographic knowledge: Evidence from the lexicality effects on N400 CHIA-YING LEE、Hsu, Chun-Hsien、Huang, Yu-Chen、JIE-LI TSAICHIA-YING LEE article pdf(625)
2017-01 ASEAN and disaster governance: Contending modalities of disaster preparedness Yang, Alan Hao、HAO YANG article web page(1020)
2015 China Dreams: Political slogan or flight of fancy? 那瑞維、Narayanan, Raviprasad book/chapter web page(612)
2014-12 China`s defense industry in the age of globalization: Opportunities vs. challenges SHUH-FAN DING、Ding, Arthur S. book/chapter web page(650)
2014 Taiwan’s south China sea policy revival FU-KUO LIUFU-KUO LIU book/chapter web page(646)
2016-12 Taiwan and the arbitral Tribunal’s ruling: Responses and future challenges HSIU-AN HSIAOHSIU-AN HSIAO article pdf(436)
2016-03 Patterns of microstructural white matter abnormalities and their impact on cognitive dysfunction in the various phases of type I bipolar disorder Magioncalda, Paola、TIMOTHY JOSEPH LANE、Conio, Benedetta、Piaggio, Niccolò、Teodorescu, Roxana Oana、Escelsior, Andrea、Marozzi, Valentina、Northoff, Georg article web page(950)
2016-06 Effects of orthographic consistency and homophone density on Chinese spoken word recognition CHIA-YING LEE、Chen, Wei-Fan、Chao, Pei-Chun、Chang, Ya-Ning、Hsu, Chun-Hsien、JIE-LI TSAI article pdf(615)
2016-03 Is the sense of agency in schizophrenia influenced by resting-state variation in self-referential regions of the brain? Robinson, Jeffrey D.、Wagner, Nils Frederic、Northoff, Georg article pdf(467)
2016-03 Is the sense of agency in schizophrenia influenced by resting-state variation in self-referential regions of the brain? Robinson, Jeffrey D.、Wagner, Nils Frederic、Northoff, Georg article pdf(458)
2016 What counts in estimation? The nature of the preverbal system Karolis, Vyacheslav R.、Butterworth, Brian L. article web page(747)
2017-01 Cerebral blood flow autoregulation is impaired in schizophrenia: A pilot study TIMOTHY JOSEPH LANETIMOTHY JOSEPH LANE、Wang, Jiunn Kae、Lee, Hsin Chien、TIMOTHY JOSEPH LANE、Liu, I. Chao、Chen, Yung Chan、Lee, Yao Tung、Lin, I. Cheng、Lin, Chia Pei、Hu, Chaur Jongh、Chi, Nai Fang article pdf(586)
2016 The Trajectory of Self TIMOTHY JOSEPH LANETIMOTHY JOSEPH LANE、Duncan, Niall W.、Cheng, Tony、Northoff, Georg article pdf(458)
2016-10 Abnormal functional–structural cingulum connectivity in mania: combined functional magnetic resonance imaging-diffusion tensor imaging investigation in different phases of bipolar disorder TIMOTHY JOSEPH LANE、Magioncalda, Paola、Saiote, Catarina、Conio, Benedetta、Escelsior, Andrea、Rocchi, Giulio、Piaggio, Niccolò、Marozzi, Valentina、Huang, Zirui、Ferri, Francesca、Amore, Mario、Inglese, Matilde、Northoff, Georg article pdf(693)
2016-07 Elite athletes refine their internal clocks: A Bayesian analysis 陳尹華、Chen, Yin Hua、Verdinelli, Isabella、Cesari, Paola article pdf(502)
2016-04 Contrasting variability patterns in the default mode and sensorimotor networks balance in bipolar depression and mania TIMOTHY JOSEPH LANE、Magioncalda, Paola、Huang, Zi Rui、Conio, Benedetta、Piaggio, Niccolò、Northoff, Georg conference pdf(581)
2015-08 基礎統計分析:R程式在社會科學之應用 CHIA-HUNG TSAI book/chapter web page(750)